Hi there,
I know that making a typeface is not an easy job some times it may took up to a month to finalize it but still when some some makes it that does not guarantee a person that definitely it will sell. Because there's a much bigger game of "keywords" and "seo" nowadays to promote and specially to sell a font. Nowadays you guys might have seen that even an ugly or a worst fonts are sold on internet WHY???? because they did the seo right, they placed the keywords as required. One can make a font but I think its a much much difficult task to promote it make it seo optimized.

So Guys, I'm new at selling fonts. I make fonts very well but I really dont know that how to promote them or how to make my font be sold on market places like myfonts/monotype. Can anyone please guide me and teach me how you guys are promoting and making your fonts sold by a traffic or audience? what are the aspects to sell any font on internet? Can any one please help?? Is there any easy or particular way to do it?

My first font family is released on myfonts platform (link given):

BUT I DONT KNOW how to appear it on search engines and suggested layers. Font Gurus! please guide me like a brother that how you guys make your font sales. And also there's not any single video on yt at this topic so thats why I'm asking you gusy. PLEASE GUIDE!!!!


  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,433
    Your images on myfonts work well to show off your design in a variety of realistic contexts, but you should go through carefully and correct misspellings and typos in them. 
    It will be a challenge to get attention online for such a familiar style of typeface; how to make that stand out from the crowd is a difficult question. 
  • Alex Visi
    Alex Visi Posts: 185
    So basically you’re asking your competitors to guide you how to win them over. Long story short, you need to build a brand. SEO is fun, but you won’t magically appear on top of the search just because of right words.

    ZeeshanHasnain said:
    I make fonts very well
    Looking at some basic mistakes in that myFonts font, it seems to me like there is still some room for growth :smile:
  • Hi @JoyceKetterer I agree with u that a spectacular and a best font can take up to an year to be finalized and I appreciate you answered but I really didn't get an answer which I wanted that if I manage to make the font within a year but how do I manage to sell it specially in a widely webbed era of SEO. what I asked that if I leave seo that it is not very much necessity for selling the fonts but I wanted to know that what are exactly the ways or methods Or a procedure which you guys use to make yours fonts sell on widely populated marketplaces like my fonts or monotype? Id be glad if any one answers in this thread. I know there's a money game involved in it and the people who discovered those ways by such hardworking and consistency they might not share those things on an open platform as Alex Visi said:
    So basically you’re asking your competitors to guide you how to win them over. Long story short, you need to build a brand. 
    But I request font gurus here to please share some hints or something like that at least share some ways for font selling. Because yes one may have a hobby and passion for making lovely fonts but what if it turns into a business.

  • JoyceKetterer
    JoyceKetterer Posts: 803
    edited August 2021
    @ZeeshanHasnain I know you're trying to be respectful but you should know you're not coming off well.  I said "years", not "up to a year".  No Darden Studio font has ever taken less than two years, most many more.  The reason I bring this up is that your entire question started with an implied insult "making the font is easy but selling it is hard".  Then, you said "could you please give me the key to the hard part for free"?

    We can't tell you how to get customers because a) every brand is a little different and b) some of us frankly are still amazed we have customers and don't really know how we managed it.  

    We each know what works for us and most of us have tried the things that work for others with little success.  You're going to have to find your own way. @Craig Eliason @Alex Visi did give you the best answer any of us can give when they said you're going to have create a brand and make it stand out.
  • @JoyceKetterer I'd like to tell you that you might be much more experienced than me and I respect you for that but I'm not trying make myself respectful an I'm not pretending to be something. I know that @Craig Eliason @Alex Visi gave me good answers. I just took their saying on discussion what they said, as this this a discussion forum i just extended their thoughts and I know that it takes years and months and months to finalize it I'm satisfied by you at this. But I never mentioned that "making the font is easy but selling it is hard" in any part of my thread discussion which you shared it in your last reply. Instead I already mentioned on my starting sentence that "making a typeface is not an easy job some times it may took up to a month to finalize it" I also know that it takes months to make a font. Either I didn't asked for a key, I just requested the all respected topographers to share the ways which they do for selling their fonts, I didn't criticized on any one. Mam, you're taking me wrong I didn't mean those things which you mentioned for me. 

    As I'm new to this forum so I thought that it would be a helping community gateway to the newbies and the field existing individuals who faces some problems, and that's the general Idea any one can guess of any forum, The forum members use to guide other people for sake of brotherhood and spirit of helping others. They never ever ask for money as 
    JoyceKetterer said:
    you said "could you please give me the key to the hard part for free"?
    The truth is I never asked for a key, I just requested to expert typographers what do they do to sell their fonts online? I neither asked this help for free nor for paying them. I asked this help for the moto this platform typedrawers was created that is to help others by telling and guiding the solutions or answers to one's problems and questions. If any one helps others by any means it always returns when he is in some sort of problem.

    If you are hurt by my any word, then I'm sorry, didn't mean any thing which you mentioned about me.

    All I asked was a simple question and I already said that I'm new to it that's why I requested people to answer.

    I you don't want to help that's OK I will never mention you again, I respect your skill set and you I appreciate you replied. You're like a true sister to me,

  • @ZeeshanHasnain. My apologies for using idiomatic English that obviously didn't translate well for you.  I wrote that post in response to a post by you in which I thought you seemed very frustrated that no one was answering your question.  

    My "for free" I meant "without effort on your own" (not that you should pay us).  By "key" I meant the means by which to figure out a puzzle.  I didn't say you expressly stated that making fonts is easy but characterised "up to a month" as an "implied insult" because fonts take SOOOO much longer (because they are far to hard to be made that quickly).

    You're asking for help we can't give and then coming off as defending and vaguely insulting.  I know that's not on purpose and I'm trying to be kind here.  I'm clearly not striking the right tone either so I'm going to stop posting in this thread.  I wish you the best of luck.
  • ZeeshanHasnain
    ZeeshanHasnain Posts: 6
    edited August 2021
    @JoyceKetterer Thanks for all of your replies
  • some times it may took up to a month to finalize

    Perhaps the first step toward a successful typeface would be to spend more time on it. If you're already at a point where you no longer see anything to improve about the typeface, obtain feedback from the community on a critique thread.

    At a quick glance, your Light looks quite attractive to me, the Bold less so. It could use significantly more optical compensation. The weight ratio between Regular and Bold is also unusually small; the Bold has trouble standing out from the page.

    It also doesn't help that you seem to favor typesetting the fonts at tight tracking, which messes up the rhythm and makes them seem cruder than they are.

    Craig wrote:

    It will be a challenge to get attention online for such a familiar style of typeface; how to make that stand out from the crowd is a difficult question.
    The «clean sans» also happens to be one of the most challenging styles to get right, since it's so sensitive to curve quality, rhythm, etc.
  • Sometimes Joyce is more clearly from Brooklyn than other times. This is one of those times. She is one of the most generous people with her time and energy, but can sometimes be more… blunt… than people are used to.

    When I looked at the typeface, I thought some of the same things Christian mentioned:
    - needs more optical compensation in the heavier weights, notably where a curve meets a straight stem (e.g. “n”)
    - Bold is not heavy enough to be a bold. Not even heavy enough to be a semibold. More of a medium weight at most.
    - Italics seem like they are purely mathematically obliqued without any optical corrections. At the very least you could fix the weight issues that result, and the damage to the shape/weight of the S/s.
  • On the actual marketing side, there is font-specific advice.

    But rather than only worry about the one font, I would also ask you to consider… what else do you have in the works? What threads are going to tie your different typefaces together? Which all leads to… how are you going to brand your foundry?
  • @Thomas Phinney thankyou so much sir for your critique and advises. Indeed I have left out many mistakes in my font and this really is a worst one. Inshallah I will learn with help of you and others. Indeed I'm very much junior than you guys. I'm sorry for anything which got screwed up in this thread, definitely I didn't mean wrong in any regard. Thanks
  • @Thomas Phinney You're right.  But I'd not say it's because I'm Brooklyn (though, of course I am).  It's because I've spend 15 years in fonts and learned that there are a lot of people on the spectrum who can't pick up on hints.  I try to be direct but kind, which is two notches away from blunt (I think).  I failed in this instance and for that I apologise. Thank you for chiming in.  
  • Well, that is ALSO true—about a disproportionate number of people in type design being on the autism spectrum. I am a tad that way myself. I for one generally find your clarity of expression refreshing.  :smiley: 
  • Miles Newlyn
    Miles Newlyn Posts: 245
    edited September 2021
    @ZeeshanHasnain Start an SEO optimised blog.

    I think that writing something about the typeface is useful for marketing, and more successful when it's written in an interesting way. That's what I try to do with my blog posts for new releases:

    New Kansas
    New Windsor

    Start with answering these questions:
    Why did you decide to design this typeface in particular?
    Why do you think the style has been so popular over the years?
    What do your letterforms bring to an already-established style of typeface?
    Why’s it called Xxxxx?
    What are its distinguishing characteristics?
    What should I use it for?

    Within answering these questions tell the reader something revealing about yourself.

  • And while I wish this weren't the case, it sadly is: native English speakers will probably be put off by sales copy which contains spelling or grammatical errors, or which just isn't expressed the way that native speakers would express it. So when I read your foundry intro, I understand what you mean - but it was very obvious that it was not written by a native speaker. It may be a good idea to get a native speaker to re-word your copy.
  • I might also suggest that $40 per font is a little steep considering that each weight only includes the Western Europe character set but not Central Europe.

  • I'm sorry Joyce
  • We send them out for free to a mailing list of roughly 40,000. 
    That is indeed an excellent way to get the word out, but sadly, it's beyond the means of many small foundries. I employ email marketing, sparingly, i.e. only for new product announcements, a few times a year.  
  • That's why I use Constant Contact ;)