Favorite ultralight diacritical marks

Any really good examples come to mind?


  • LucasFonts’ recent Koning Display comes with an alternate set of monolinear punctuation and diacritics.

  • nice idea, but the different treatment of the dot (e/i) is inconsistent and the tiny diacritics of the ultrabold do not work at all (i.m.h.o.).
    In the light there is no emphasised variant of the polish l-stroke …
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,231
    edited 2020 26
    Here are a couple of ideas, suggested by the headline style of Paris Match, 1964.
    1. A font that removes diacritics, as a stylistic set.
    2. Horizontal line that represents acute, grave and circumflex.

    The style is discretionary in PM—note how déjà has no accents, but arrivée does.
  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,443
    Typo-philosophical quandaries:
    Beginner: Is the /i's tittle a diacritic? 
    Advanced: Should treatment of /g's ear be the same as an attached horn or ogonek mark?
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,231
    edited 2020 26
     Is the /i's tittle a diacritic? 
    Only in Turkish etc.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,001
    edited 2020 27
    Beginner: Is the /i's tittle a diacritic? 
    IIRC the tittle was invented to distinguish i in textura so…maybe.
  • Beginner: Is the /i's tittle a diacritic?  – Yes (of course)

    Advanced: Should treatment of /g's ear be the same as an attached horn or ogonek mark?  – No
  • Piotr Grochowski
    Piotr Grochowski Posts: 91
    edited 2020 27
    Advanced: Should treatment of /g's ear be the same as an attached horn or ogonek mark?
    I get it. It's analogous to the ear in σ not unlike how the diacritic in i is analogous to the dot above in some other glyphs, but not a horn, let alone ogonek.
  • Adam Jagosz
    Adam Jagosz Posts: 689
    edited 2020 28
    Should treatment of /g's ear be the same as an attached horn or ogonek mark?
    This 'treatment' is not an established practice of any sort, so I don't think there are any rules that would prohibit it or not, other than precedent. I don't think I would personally apply this treatment to the Vietnamese horn either though. Maybe go one step further and leave it out of Vietnamese Acircumflex, Abreve etc. and only apply it to the secondary diacritic (the tone mark)? Via the locl feature.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,009
    diakritika orion6
    Not ultralight, but light: Orion
  • Stadt from Public Type uses hairline diacritics, and the aesthetic is also pulled into other marks and symbols like the parentheses, arrows, etc.