Fontbakery feedback



  • It would be ideal if the FontBakery had a graphical user interface so that it could be installed and used like any other software. Only then would FontBakery be accessible to everyone without having to spend hours installing it.
  • It would be ideal if the FontBakery had a graphical user interface so that it could be installed and used like any other software. Only then would FontBakery be accessible to everyone without having to spend hours installing it.
    See Simon Cozen's posts upthread about the web version.
  • I was recently trying to update my computer’s copy of Fontbakery and it failed due to some dependency failing to install or update. So I tried the web version for the first time.

    I am not sure I will ever go back. This is freakin’ awesome!

    Nice work @Simon Cozens!
  • Oh great, NOW I am able to update the desktop command-line version.
    Too late, mate! You lost!  :tongue:
  • @Simon Cozens The web version of Fontbakery is a good thing! However, the website is not encrypted and secured via https://. Enabling SSL encryption would be a step in the right direction here. In addition, I have not seen a privacy policy stating whether the tested fonts are deleted from the server after the test.

  • In addition, I have not seen a privacy policy stating whether the tested fonts are deleted from the server after the test.

    At the bottom of the page, it says "No files are uploaded; fonts stay on your browser."

  • Typedesigner
    Typedesigner Posts: 51
    edited December 2023

    In addition, I have not seen a privacy policy stating whether the tested fonts are deleted from the server after the test.

    At the bottom of the page, it says "No files are uploaded; fonts stay on your browser."

    Unfortunately, this is not enough, at least according to EU law (GDPR - EU General Data Protection Regulation). Normally, a detailed privacy policy must be available. 
  • I don't believe this is correct. What is happening in this case is that you are (in the browser) downloading and running Fontbakery. If what you are saying is true, then all software would need a "detailed privacy policy".
  • I don't believe this is correct. What is happening in this case is that you are (in the browser) downloading and running Fontbakery. If what you are saying is true, then all software would need a "detailed privacy policy".

    GDPR - EU General Data Protection Regulation applies to every website from the EU. It is of course your responsibility as a website owner to check which laws apply in your country.

  • This is a complete irrelevance. GDPR is a law a out the processing of personal data. It does not apply to websites which do not collect personal data.
  • Typedesigner
    Typedesigner Posts: 51
    edited December 2023
    This is a complete irrelevance. GDPR is a law a out the processing of personal data. It does not apply to websites which do not collect personal data.
    Even if you do not request or collect any personal data from users on your website, personal data will be collected by your hoster. You therefore need a privacy policy in any case. Of course, checking which laws apply in your country is your responsibility as a website owner. At the very least, the website should be encrypted using ssl certificate.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    edited December 2023

    If your website doesn't process personal data, you may not necessarily need a privacy policy page. This is covered under Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, which can be quite complex due to their legal terminology. For a clearer understanding, I recommend looking up interpretations of these articles. You can find GDPR articles here: Article 13 GDPR and additional insights at DEV Community GDPR Overview.

    Even if your site doesn't collect personal data, it's generally advisable to have a privacy policy stated. This is not a legal requirement in such cases, but it's considered good practice. Some browser extensions actively check for privacy policy pages and may alert users if one isn't found. It's also important to note that if your website includes a contact form, this is considered as data collection. Since Fontbakery doesn't have a contact form, I don't think a privacy policy page is truly necessary.

  • Typedesigner
    Typedesigner Posts: 51
    edited February 2024
    I would like to report that Font Bakery works very good with the latest Python 3.12.2. The installation works immediately and all tests work perfectly.