Print shop to the Stars. (Adam Savage again)

These folks create all manner of printed material for on-screen use.


  • Thanks for the video, John.

    I just hope they washed their hands really well before handling everything.
  • Adam Savage is back with more printed movie props. This time he is at Earl Hays Press looking at explosives packaging used in movies.
  • Related to this subject, Leah Spencer wrote for Alphabettes about her specialized work for film and TV, which often includes designing period-specific letterforms.
  • Visit the Earl Hays print shop with their graphic designer Carly Graham.
  • Related to this subject, Leah Spencer wrote for Alphabettes about her specialized work for film and TV, which often includes designing period-specific letterforms.
    I will have to look that up!
  • As a model railroader, I try to replicate vintage signs seen in old photographs for use on my model railroad.
  • Leah’s article has great advice on how she makes old-timey signage for things like Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I was fascinated, very smart stuff.
  • Leah Spencer has an effective approach to protecting what is hers and adding value to her personal brand. 
  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,746
    edited December 2023
    I was very impressed with the period typographical props in Mrs. Maisel (not to mention everything else about the show). My only (minor) complaint was the use of House's Fabulous Script (slightly modified) for the logo of the fictional talk show's logo (The Gordon Ford Show). But it's one of those cases where, even though it's technically an anachronism, it looks the part.
  • Here's how Earl Hays deals with Newspapers for cinema.
  • I was over the moon to have gotten a shout-out in one of his videos! Very cool :smile: