Underlined Greek /Omega/ - default or alt?

I'm adding a Greek character set to my current project and would be interested in the community's view as to whether the underlined form of the Greek /Omega/ is considered appropriate as the default glyph, or whether it is better to offer it as a stylistic alternate.

Thanks in advance.


  • Depends on the style and target usage scenario of your font. As for the more classic text face sort of type it would surely go best as an alternative. However, as there is more leeway for variation and custom solutions with display or script fonts, in this case it could well become first choice for the default glyph. Note that Greeks, when writing by hand, usually employ this [closed-circle/underline] shape as Omega because it is more easy to write rapidly than the ‘actual’ shape.
  • Thanks, Andreas - this seems to be the consensus. The face I'm working on, whilst not classic in the sense you meant, is intended for body text, so I'm going to stick with a conventional /Omega/ as the default.
  • Is the understroke form something that would fall under "experimental sans" when used in that context?
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,292
    I would avoid the ring+understroke form in anything except a handwriting font.
  • Having seen Albert-Jan’s collection of photos, I’d add fonts that emulate vernacular lettering and sign painting to that.
  • > Ring with understroke = Swedish ampersand

    I beg your pardon?