Digital Khatt and Visual Metafont

John Butler
John Butler Posts: 304
edited February 2023 in Type Design Software

And now for something completely different.

DigitalKhatt is an Arabic typesetter based on a Metafont-designed parametric font that can generate a glyph with a given width during layout and justification while respecting the curvilinear nature of Arabic letters.”

Visual Metafont is “a graphical tool developed to allow the design of the Metafont-based dynamic font used in the DigitalKhatt typesetter.”


  • AzizMostafa AzizAli
    AzizMostafa AzizAli Posts: 103
    edited February 2023
    Thanks for sharing!

    What's eye-catching in your post are the words "Now" and "Something completely different".
    It seems that you missed what I had posted earlier!

    Respecting the curvilinear nature of Arabic letters, did precede that by developing unique and dynamic Arabic fonts (Attached Pdf).
    All the Best with Flowers
  • Apologies, I don’t actually read Arabic. What I found interesting about DigitalKhatt was the fact that employs a relatively new tool (Visual Metafont) that nonetheless uses venarable Metafont technology—at least in the source stage—to output OpenType variable fonts to be used for justification. The quote I chose was simply a reference to the old Monty Python television shows. “Completely different” was in reference to the Bezier-oriented world that most TypeDrawers members work in.