Liter Grotesque

Anton Skugarov
Anton Skugarov Posts: 2
edited March 2020 in Type Design Critiques
Hello everyone 🙌🏻!
My name is Anton Skugarov. I am an interface designer. I decided in my free time from the main work, for self-education, to design a font.
The task for myself was formed as follows — to design a grotesque font for typesetting.
What I did, you can see in the picture and also attach the zip archive(.TTF and PDF).

And in order to move on in the right direction — I am looking for experienced people who can look at my work and give feedback, help with advice.



  • Deactivated User
    Deactivated User Posts: 11
    edited March 2020
    Hi Anton!
    I may not have the most experienced perspective here, but just to give my two cents, I think that the left side of the tail of the J feels a bit too high and long to be comfortable. Additionally, the bowls of the 6 and 9 feel a little on the small side.
    Otherwise, I think it looks pretty sweet, and I like the subtle difference in construction between the Latin and Cyrillic K/К!
  • Oh, and just one more thing — most designers would actually classify your design as a "geometric sans-serif" rather than a "grotesque". You can find more information on that here:
  • K Pease
    K Pease Posts: 182
    I admire your design of /a, it is practical and distinct.
    I'm not a Cyrillic expert, but might it be better if the verticals of Ш and Щ were evenly spaced?

  • Vasil Stanev
    Vasil Stanev Posts: 783
    edited March 2020
    For some reason some of the letters in the PDF appear with strange kinks and defects, does someone else have the same problem?

    The basic set appears somewhat solid. There are minor issues here and there but you can check them when you compare your font to established ones.

    Things however break down pretty fast in the extended Latin. Please use the search option of the board to inform your design decisions for ogoneks, bars, diacritics and so on. Each of these has been discussed extensively.

    The Cyrillic is like the Latin.

    This is a very solid first stab at a font and I think you've done a very good job.
  • This already looks quite decent. My main concern is that it is just another grotesque, with few unique features. But you can still learn a lot from this.

    It's interesting how consistent your design is betweens upper and lowercase. The top diagonal in K and k loos too thick, and could maybe end a little more to the right. The bowl of R looks too small to me. T is too narrow. S and s are leaning backwards. The pointy joints of Z and z looks out of place to me. The straightvertical part on the left of J is a bit awkward imo. X and x are a little narrow. The lc u is too wide (should be narrower than n), and maybe hmn too. Lc r looks a bit too narrow.

    Anyway, not a bad start. Good luck!
  • I agree that this is pleasant, especially for a first typeface.
    I'm getting mixed signals from the open round letters. C and G are very geometric and have rather closed aperture, whereas S is sleek and open (and so is 2, come to think of it).
    I think you can get away with a courageous J like that, but I'd remove or tone down the vertical part on the left side.
    I'm not too fond of the /a/, it reminds me of the eclectic /e/ in Kabel and doesn't resonate with any other letters. But maybe that's just me.
  • I have to say I like the /a lol
    I agree the tail of the J goes a bit too far. I think the corners of the /N should be a little pointier and the corners of /z and /Z should be changed to match the rest of the font.

    i think the lowercase /r being narrow stands out because of how wide the /s is comparatively. In a traditional geometric font like futura the /s would be much more narrow.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    This is a passable first typeface. You really like Gotham and its ilk and it shows. You’ve studied them, you’ve tried to reproduce them. Now it’s time for you to move on to another project. Go design four more typefaces, and when you’ve hit a wall with them, think about coming back if you really want to keep pursuing this one. (You probably won’t).
  • Thank you all for your valuable comments.  :)