'capitol' typeface critique

nickbbbbbbb Posts: 6
edited September 2012 in Type Design Critiques
Hey all,

Im new to the type design world and this is my first go at something substantial. I have reached a point where I am not sure what isn't working with the typeface and I would really appreciate some fresh (professional) eyes to help point me in the right direction.

Any critique to help better unify this typeface would be really amazing!




  • Lucas Leo Catalano
    Lucas Leo Catalano Posts: 43
    edited September 2012
    Hi Nick,
    Will be worth seeing this post first: Read This Before Posting A New Critique Thread
    A more complete profile is appreciated in Typedrawers too.

    For what I can see, it seems like Capitol was designed modularly with each part inspired by a different source that altogether still needs alot more work to look unified. For example the "g" and "c". I'm also seeing a lot of Clarendon. Then again, I'm also new to this so don't take what I say with too much weight.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,254
    Set it in body and smooth out things that catch your eye.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @lucasleo

    thanks lucas your right that clarendon has been thought of but definitely not on purpose!


    thanks for your advice I will do this right away! I guess setting it in different words presesnts different problems and it feels like I am getting nowhere!


    You maybe right that I haven't studied a particular typeface close enough in that way, this is really great advice and I take it into account!!

  • You might want to defocus your eyes and look for dark and light areas. This should help you refine your stem weights and optically correct your joins.

    Your serifs are pretty small and thin for a face this hefty. Unless you want to make this a spur-serif face like Copperplate Gothic, they need beefing up.

    And Doyald Young's Fonts & Logos is a great guide to the anatomy of basic Latin letterforms and some of the challenges of drawing them. It's out of print, but you can get one for $120 on abebooks.com. I can't think of a better way to spend your money if you want to learn.
  • @maxphillips

    thanks max, I think the key parts that do catch my eyes are the stems and making sure they optically work. I should really repost a large scale image of the type since I am focusing on designing this face for display rather than body text. watch this space. Thanks so much for your feedback it is really really helpful!
  • nickbbbbbbb
    nickbbbbbbb Posts: 6
    edited October 2012
    @maxphillips @JMontalbano @nickster @lucasleo Hello again guys, I am making a publication for my uni project and would like to include all of your feedback, the publication is highlighting process in type design more specifically critique. Please let me know if I can include your words of wisdom and I will be sure to credit you all in the back of the publication and hopefully when my typeface is finally finished I will send you all a copy :) Let me know below!
  • Please let me know if I can include your words of wisdom […]
    If you can find any wisdom in my words, Nick, I'm happy to be included in your publication.
  • Happy to be included too, best of luck with your project Nick.