Fundraising and Custom Plugin for Real Names



  • Thanks Ben, I forgot all about My Profile ... now updated for your viewing pleasure.

    And I do respect James's hard fought efforts ...I know first hand what it is like to build an online community.

  • 5star, please read this thread:

    And while I am at it, could you please drop the signature? If you use your real name we would not need to be reminded that you are "n." It just wastes space.

    James P.: It looks like this is now buried in Announcements. Perhaps put it at the top?
  • I thought this was a "rule". When i first joined I posted a few times accidentally only using my first name, before reading the threads as i should have. I was nicely reminded to use my full name.
  • Hi Jan, thanks for the pointer.



    LettError (at the personal invite from James)

    ...what do we all have in common?

  • Michael Clark
    Michael Clark Posts: 138
    edited March 2013
    @ 5star My name is readily accessible. Typerror is what I was invited in as and I made sure I put my "nome d' real" in the "bio."
    Are you just here to rock the boat?
    I am Michael Clark, that's my story and I am sticking to it. You do not have to like me, just don't be an ass!
    Edited to remove double spaces, sorry Jan :-) Really :-)
  • Michael Clark
    Michael Clark Posts: 138
    edited March 2013
    @ 5star What is accomplished at Wide Stable Club!
  • Hi typerror. I, like you, now have my real name clearly stated in my Bio. Nice to see that we are on even ground.

    And no, I am not here to rock the boat. Are you? I'm here to pitch in. For what it's worth, I rather enjoy your banter. And I have learnt tons from your Typophile posts. Thanks for sharing.

    And to your other quippy remark re: what is accomplished at Wide Stable Club ... nothing much but horse play of course :)

    Now, can we get back on point? About the Real Name plugin? You know ... having members use their real first and last name as their user name? I thought the discussion was about fund raising for that plugin???

  • Well, Mr. Vertigonius, you have my curiosity up. What ethnicity exactly is Vertigonius? I presume, since you are a type designer, that it stems from an ancient Roman or Etruscan who wrote in the boustrophedon style?

    At any rate, it's very nice you've joined us. We're always happy to have REAL PEOPLE here. :-)
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,216
    Michael, after all these years I still can never remember who the fuck Typerror is, I keep thinking it’s something to do with Just and Erik — and I’ve even met you! As for “5star”, like John says, grow up and get real if you want to play with the big boys.
  • Real names are an instance where we should have the moderator step in, right?
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 1,998
    Real names are an instance where we should have the moderator step in, right?
    I’ve been waiting to see how serious people are about the issue. I think at this point it’s safe to say it’s time to require real names. I’ll update the rules post sometime this weekend.
  • Apologies in advance if the answer is somewhere that I can’t find, but is there a way to tag a thread to monitor it’s activity without having to make a comment?
  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,440
    Chris, it looks like clicking the little star right of the thread title will bookmark it.
  • Do we have the funds?
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 1,998
    Funds are a non issue. Vanilla implemented the name tweaks long ago, and it’s seemed to be a non-issue so I haven’t seen a reason to harass anybody. Until this week.
  • Michael Clark
    Michael Clark Posts: 138
    edited March 2013
    Nick, I do not know how to respond to your lovely, delicately flavoured, message. Sorry that you cannot remember who I am, but I am resolute in what I do in lieu of your memory issues. I will not let your dismissal be an encumbrance. I shall plod on.
    P.s. I have been typerror since '88. (predates Letterror by a year)
  • Michael/Typerror, thanks for posting under your name. I know who you are, and I know it must be hard to set aside a handle you've been using for 25 years, but there's something nice about hearing from you as "Michael."
  • Thank you Max. I never really thought about it as it has been who I am on line for so long. I have customers/clients who get in touch with me because I have had the same e-mail address since '88. One went through multiple agencies and several career changes only to contact me 18 years later for some work :-)
This discussion has been closed.