Best Of
Re: TypeDrawers Member Appreciation
Frank Blokland, for sharing his valuable research with us. And occasionally his sense of humor . . .5 -
Re: The future of type
I suspect a big development we'll see in the future is the proliferation of virtual or digitally augmented environments. Google Glass was ahead of it's time, but in some form or another, the idea and…8 -
Re: Good words for sketching letters
I personally like not always using the same word, but it’s certainly good to have them satisfy a number of criteria, like containing as many of the basic shape groups as possible (Hrant, that’s where…6 -
Re: The future of type
Autospacing will be finally solved this September :wink: :wink: :wink:5 -
Re: The future of type
Type becomes even more abstract. Instead of storing type as vectors, instances or geometric parameters, type is an idea. You look at a poster. The poster looks at you. It examines your surroundings, …11 -
The future of type
Like many of you here, I imagine, I think a lot about the historical development of type in terms of its forms and how it is made. Metal type reigned for about 520 years, produced by hand for the fir…12 -
Re: Questions about RMX tools & macros
The RMX tools are the most important tools in my box. I draw every font as a multiple master just to be able to use them properly, even when I need only one weight. For me, the most useful is the Tun…7 -
New font renderer written in Rust
Haven't gotten a chance to check this out in detail, but this project to produce a new font renderer using the Rust programming language looks very interesting:…5 -
Re: Dyslexie font - activism
Hrant, I'm going to respond, because I want you to know that I appreciate the fact that you took the time to write at length and try to clearly communicate your ideas. The problem I have with this is…6 -
Font Validator 2.0 arrived.
A few people had said that I should give it numbered versions over the course of last year. I have always thought that when I have finished filling in all the parts that Microsoft did not release, an…7