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Re: Variable fonts, axes values
Right! My previous comment was probably not totally fair to the people who engage in the conversation here. Are there more benefits or drawbacks in the step proposal? It seems I am one of the few env…1 -
Re: Variable fonts, axes values
Agree: if this were a system-level or app-level option available to the user, I would be all for making such an option available. In fact, I would just generally be in favor of a system that allows u…1 -
Re: Variable fonts, axes values
In case I have not been adequately clear: I don’t reject the idea of breaking down variable font interaction into ‘meaningful and useful’ steps. I just don’t think there is any benefit—and several do…3 -
Re: Is i18n the web-safe minefield of the 2020s?
Once you have user-generated content, you need to deal with all writing systems. No family or superfamily can do that (Noto is the closest, but it’s not the most distinguished branding font). System…2 -
Re: Is i18n the web-safe minefield of the 2020s?
got it! thanks for clarifying. I think I was confused because this is (as far as I'm aware) a common enough approach I'm surprised there was a talk about it. people do this even implicitly, as the sy…2 -
Re: Variable fonts, axes values
Not sure what you mean by ‘stylistic needs’. Yes, there is overlap in that different projects may involve multiple weights or widths and some of those weight and width ranges overlap, but if defining…1 -
Is i18n the web-safe minefield of the 2020s?
Enjoying Figma's config conference (ongoing now) and was slightly astonished by the talk just passed "How we internationalized our typography stack". Expecting this to be a fun voyage of in…3 -
Re: Figma supports variable fonts!
InDesign does not even consistently maintain axis settings when changing to another font that shares the same axis. I hope Adobe learns to walk before it tries to run, in its variable font support.4 -
Re: Variable fonts, axes values
I so hate that Adobe split Minion 3 into four families by optical size. Grrr. Meant that upgrading existing docs to Minion 3 was substantially more work.1 -
Re: Variable fonts, axes values
Indeed. The wght axis is explicitly weight, not emphasis or other typographic articulation. I must remember to go give Simon a hard time about this on Twitter. :#2