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Re: Default letters vs Stylistic Sets
At least to some extent, all letters should be recognizable! Here I’d say a stylistic set isn’t much use: the top Ff with the round elements are too illegible to use at all, and the bottom Ee with mo…3 -
Re: This is what Monotype is doing instead of anything helpful
The purpose of NFTs and cryptobollocks is to part fools with their money.3 -
Re: Hoefler&Co sold to Monotype
Given that, and other indications that Hoefler's firm would not be, in any case, continuing in the future to make such accomplishments as it was acclaimed for in the past, it can't really be viewed …1 -
Re: What's the rectangle surrounding a font glyph, including its sidebearings, called?
Yehang Yin posted an excerpt from 《排版知识问答》(Typography Q&A’s, by 罗树宝, 1987) in this twitter thread: this particular Q&am…3 -
Re: Free fonts are good→free fonts are bad
No no not at all, I think this is all very interesting to consider. I just don't understand what the motivation would be for any titan to "compete with Monotype and the rest"; fonts is a ze…1 -
Re: Kern On—Semi Automated Kerning Plugin for Glyphs
personally I will never go back to kerning another way. there have been so many tools to promise what kern-on can do, and it is the first to truly deliver, IMO. my experience has been that the "…12 -
Re: This is what Monotype is doing instead of anything helpful
You don’t have to do business with Monotype. When it became embarrassing to have them as a partner I just didn’t renew my contract.4 -
Re: Kern On—Semi Automated Kerning Plugin for Glyphs
Remarkably little time. I recently kerned an Ethiopic font (using a test build of KO, the release version doesn’t support Ethiopic yet), and I was able to define about 100 model pairs in about half a…5 -
Re: Kern On pair and word lists
You don’t really need a shared list. You always start Kern On by defining a minimum of ten pairs that do not need any kerning, so typically HH HO OH OO etc. for Latin. Then Kern On starts suggesting …4 -
Re: What's the rectangle surrounding a font glyph, including its sidebearings, called?
Bounding box typically refers to the smallest rectangle that contains all of the glyphs control points.5