
  • Re: Install fonts from App Store with iOS 13

    Sorry I am so late to join this thread. I'll just add a couple of notes to my earlier blog post on the topic ( First, I feel strongly that the sig…
  • Re: Fontelier

    I just spoke to Roger. He said "I'll bet Simonson has something to do with this." He didn't really say that. But it's not a Roger thing.
  • Fontelier

    On the back cover of the new issue of Type magazine, which arrived in my mailbox this week, there's an advertisement for "a new kind of font marketplace" from Morisawa called Fontelier. On …
  • Re: News from the former head of Adobe Type

    Hi James, it's been a long time! In my opinion, when everything is set up properly, the vast majority of sales shouldn't require legal review, even for enterprise sales. Otherwise it would be impossi…
  • News from the former head of Adobe Type

    Hi everybody. I think I know most of you here, some of you are good friends, and the rest I hope soon will be. To the rest, it is very nice to meet you. I'm Matthew Rechs, the former head of Adobe Ty…