Re: Seeking Sans-Serif Alternative to Oregon LDO with Better Diacritic Support for Song Titles
Oregon LDO is a pretty straight copy of Hermann Zapf’s classic Optima typeface. There are not a lot of sans serif designs with similar high stroke contrast, and the only free one that comes to mind i…4 -
Re: Adobe's unlimited web license
We do not sell fonts (except when actually selling the IP): we sell licenses to use fonts. I know y’all know that, and that talking about buying and selling fonts is just shorthand, but the fact that…4 -
Re: Adobe's unlimited web license
There is a numbers game played between large, well-capitalised corporations that is at an order of magnitude above what most small foundries assume to be normal or typical pricing. This is an example…5 -
Re: Adobe's unlimited web license
Tim, do you mind if I ask when you signed up to distribute fonts through Adobe? The impression I have from talking to people at various foundries is that the royalty rates offered have decreased sign…2 -
Re: correct node placement?
As a general rule, first try to place nodes at extrema with perpendicular control handles, and see if it is possible to define the curve as you want it in this way. If it is not, then move to angled …7