Re: Kerning of lowercase/Uppercase pairs
I use a kerning list in Metrics Machine that has all the mixed case surnames I could find. MacGyver, DeVito, DuBois etc. I don't bother with words like OpenType. I'm hoping mixed case words is a tren…1 -
Re: Changes To Reactions Redux
@"Frode" As noted in the rules, "Any post breaking these rules can be flagged." Off-topic posts would be breaking Rule #2. Feel free to flag in those instances and/or contact the …0 -
Re: Changes To Reactions Redux
I agree with you in spirit, Mark, but in practice, some of those threads would *not* go back on track, despite the flag.5 -
Re: TypeDrawers Changelog
Dec 18, 2017 The forum software has changed, so we’ve updated the rules in accordance. Starting now, members can expect warnings when they are breaking the rules. These warnings come with penalties, …5 -
Re: What was the very first typeface described as “feminine”?
I have thoughts on this, but if you really want to go off-topic, then I invite you to start a new thread. This one has already gotten away from its original intent. While I've found it very education…5