Creative Market: "A new era of font creation"

Does the Creative Market redistribution agreement allow them to train ai models on those fonts?


  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    edited August 2023
    I’m sure they won’t take advantage of that part in the contract that allows them to create derivative works.
  • Dave, how did you come across this? Was it mentioned in a Creative Market email?
  • @Tiffany Wardle It’s at
  • @James Hultquist-Todd I see that. But I'm only curious about how Dave came across it. I'm ok to admit I'm behind on my font news and doing my best to catch up. 
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    Unless the names of typefaces such as “Gotham” are prohibited in prompts, the Butterick law suit will be pertinent.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    Interesting. This seems like the perfect year for me to throw in the towel.
  • Whatever font they choose for the ad, whether a human or an AI designed it, looks hideous. They lead with that?!
  • that font is designed by a human
    but I do look forward to the 2028 graphic design trend of ironically using shitty AI fonts from 2024
  • Hey now. I think that's why some people don't come around these parts.
  • oh, if it was unclear, I was not referring to the font in use (I enjoy a renner-y abstract sans!)
  • Here we go.
  • Delve Withrington
    Delve Withrington Posts: 17
    edited August 2023
    @Tiffany Wardle Not sure where @Dave Crossland came across this and I don't know if I was the first to post about it but I may be responsible.:
  • @jeremy tribby I was referring to John’s comment. I understood that you were speaking in general terms.
  • Thanks, @Delve Withrington I hadn't seen your post over there.
  • You know, Tiffany, I agree, I shouldn’t have posted it. De gustibus and all that. It was not a helpful comment, and I apologize. I do dig some of its designer’s other designs.

    I’d have liked to remove my comment, but this forum is set up to prohibit “rewriting history,” so I guess that’s that.
  • I’d have liked to remove my comment...
    I think you were actually right.

  • I am interested in the part about CM rights to train their model with our fonts on their current site. Here are their TOS (point 2—License grant):

    I can't remember signing any new contract recently (last few years) with them and searching my mail, I found just a plain TOS update message from September 2022. 
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    edited August 2023
    Business operating a terms of service model tend to use contracts that allow them to make unilateral changes to the terms of service, in which case the only recourse if you don’t like the changes may be to stop using the service.
  • This discussion is predicated on the idea that will eventually produce something other than marketing copy. "Stay tuned for updates" (particularly in the ML space) means "we haven't got this working yet".
  • Igor Petrovic
    Igor Petrovic Posts: 310
    edited August 2023
    If CM's almost silent unilateral change of TOS gives them rights to train AI with all the fonts from all shops, then good luck to them. Since then a free AI font generator will surely emerge, with who knows what base and TOS (Google). 

    Not to mention that piracy will evolve with AI more than anything else, because it will become almost untrackable. You won't be able to judge by the used font which generator it came from. Current piracy is almost untrackable, imagine a self-generating one.
  • Vasily Draigo
    Vasily Draigo Posts: 46
    edited August 2023
    Not to mention that piracy will evolve with AI more than anything else, because it will become almost untrackable. You won't be able to judge by the used font which generator it came from. Current piracy is almost untrackable, imagine a self-generating one.
    But AI can also help track font piracy.

  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,447
    But AI can also help track font piracy.

    Maybe, maybe not.
  • But AI can also help track font piracy.

    Maybe, maybe not.
    We're only in the early stages of AI evolution. 
  • A colleague inside G sent me the link. 
  • As long as there are investors buying type libraries as an asset, I am sure that AI has not yet conquered type design.
  • I can’t help but wonder who they think is for. prototypo shut down after ten years not because it didn't work well or wasn't interesting new tech, but because it never found users
  • My guess is is to show potential investors that they shouldn't be left off the AI hype train.