Looking for advice with Cyrillic locl feature

Dusan Jelesijevic
Dusan Jelesijevic Posts: 66
edited March 2019 in Technique and Theory

I'm looking for advice.

I'm working on font that contains Cyrillic characters and I'm having issue with locl feature.

There would be 3 Cyrillic sets: Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian.

Default Cyrillic characters (ISO 8859-5) would be Russian.

Since Serbian language is not supported (yet) by Adobe, so it doesn't make sense to place it under lolc feature, I'm not sure under what OT feature to offer it, to make it accessible for users.

I already use calt and salt features for another characters.

The only features left unused in Illustrator CS6 are dlig, cswh, titl, ordinals and fractions.

Does it make sense to place Serbian characters under any of these features (except in ordinals or fractions)?

Is there maybe some more logical solution for this?



  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,954
    edited March 2019
    Well, for one thing, do NOT avoid using 'locl' just because Adobe doesn’t support a particular language at the moment. Set up your font correctly for those apps where it does work (which could include Adobe in the future).

    Other than that, I would suggest using stylistic sets such as 'ss01', etc. This is pretty close to what they are intended for, anyway (except for the language-specific aspect of it). One set for all the Serbian alternates, probably another for Bulgarian.
  • Igor Freiberger
    Igor Freiberger Posts: 282
    edited March 2019
    Besides what Thomas said, note that InDesign allows the addition of other languages since 2011 (version CS 5.5).
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,349
    I tried the Hunspell dictionary method to add Serbian to my InDesign language list, but couldn't get it to display SRB locl variants.
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,349
    Dusan, you might also want to specify a Macedonian locl set. This would be the same as for Serbian, with addition of the italic ghe+acute.
  • Dusan Jelesijevic
    Dusan Jelesijevic Posts: 66
    edited March 2019
    @Thomas Phinney
    You're right, there's no reason why not to include "locl". Stylistic sets also seem very logical. Thanks. I will probably do like that.

    @Igor Freiberger
    Yes, I know about InDesign. I have same issue like @John Hudson with Hunspell method, might be it's something wrong on my side. Thanks for the mentioning it.

    @John Hudson
    I have Macedonian variation of Г already there. Since Thomas suggested me the way to organize all variations under stylistic sets, I will also add Macedonian as separate set (and under "locl"). Otherwise, I would left Macedonian out together with Serbian, since between these 4 countries, Serbia and Macedonia are the smallest markets and very (I'd dare to say) miserable in everyone's sale reports and keep only Russian and Bulgarian variations. But I'm glad Thomas suggested the way to solve it, so it should be it. Thanks for reminder about Macedonian!

    Thank you all once again.

  • Igor Freiberger
    Igor Freiberger Posts: 282
    edited March 2019
    Dusan and John: do you still get no language-related substitutions after enabling the Adobe World-Ready composer in InDesign?

    (The capture is in Portuguese, but the positions are the same in any UI language.)

  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,349
    I always have the WRC active by default, because of the scripts I work with. It was a while ago that I tried the Hunspell Serbian dictionary method, but I think I probably tried it with both composers, because I am aware that there are significant behaviour differences.

    Some day, I'll try the other method to see if I get any better result.