
Which of these books should I prioritize getting?

Nathan ZimetNathan Zimet Posts: 76
edited July 2017 in Education
Which book should I buy first?
I'm more comfortable in Latin type than I am in Cyrillic, so I'd like to get one of the Cyrillic type books first unless one of the latin ones is of a higher priority, and has better information for where i currently am in learning. Presented in no particular order.

Books on Cyrillic type:

Book of Letters from Аа to Яя, Third Edition: https://store.artlebedev.com/books/calligraphy/kniga-pro-bukvy3/

Искусство шрифта: https://shop.typejournal.ru/shop/books/30/

О Шриф­те: https://shop.typejournal.ru/shop/books/37/

Books on Latin type:

Letters of Credit: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Credit-View-Type-Design/dp/1567922406/ref=oosr

Logotypes & Letterforms: http://www.doyaldyoung.com/LTLF01.html

The Modification of Letterforms: https://www.amazon.com/modification-letterforms-Stanley-Hess/dp/0910158037

There's a lot of other books I'd like to buy but these seem the most useful to me right now.

books I've already read Designing Type by Karen Chang, thinking with type by Ellen Lupton, Size-specific adjustments to type designs by Tim Ahrens and Shoko Mugikura, How to Create Typefaces from Sketch to Screen Cristóbal Henestrosa, Laura Meseguer, and José Scaglione, and The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst (I know some people don't recommend that one but it was at my local library so I thought might as well read it).

Also does anyone know any books on Arabic calligraphy/type design?


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