Mixed Case Liga Feature . . .

Working on a font where I want to add a liga OT feature to work regardless of the case typed in, so for example if a user types in CAT, cat, CaT, cAT, etc I'd like all variations substitute the same ligature.

Any suggestions? FYI, working in Glyphs . . . Thanks in advance!


  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458

    sub C A T by C_a_t.lig;

    sub c a t by C_a_t.lig;

    sub C a T by C_a_t.lig;

    sub c A T by C_a_t.lig;

    sub c A t by C_a_t.lig;

    sub c a T by C_a_t.lig;

    sub C a t by C_a_t.lig;

  • Adam Jagosz
    Adam Jagosz Posts: 689
    Wouldn't giving a cAT a low hanging tail and CAt a crouching front pair of legs and a ducked head be more fun? :smiley:
    Just kidding. Chris, is there a reason we would want to spell out every combination instead of using brackets?
  • Thanks all! Much appreciated!
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    @Adam Jagosz  Sure, you could use brackets but I am not sure how Glyphs handles feature code so I just spelled it out.
  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,746
    edited April 2017
    It works the same as in FontLab (or anywhere else that uses AFDKO syntax), except that you only include the part inside the curly brackets of the feature definition. The outer portion is added automatically.