Tiro Typeworks is hiring a font maker

After twenty-four years as a two-person shop, often working with associate (external) designers — all of which will continue —, Ross and I have decided it's time to also hire someone for a full-time position assisting us in making fonts. We're looking for someone with strong design and technical skills and experience, who's comfortable and self-motivated to work independently much of the time.

For details see: http://tiro.ca/jobs/170312_Font_Maker.pdf


  • AbrahamLee
    AbrahamLee Posts: 263
    Congrats to whomever gets this! It sounds like a great opportunity. I wish I was in a position to apply. Maybe someday...
  • I have never wanted to be a Canadian more.

  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    Awwww. Now I'm going to cry. Thank you, Adam.
  • Adam Jagosz
    Adam Jagosz Posts: 689
    Gabriola unveiled.
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    We expect this position to remain open until late April, so if you're considering it, consider some more, but don't consider for too long: get your application in. We look forward to seeing it and talking with you.
  • Opportunity of a lifetime! Although I am woefully under qualified for the position, I DO live in Vancouver! That's got to count for something, right?
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    Hey Matt, yeah that might count for something. Also, I like how you managed to make something as wonky as Millwright balance so nicely in text: that takes some skill. By all means send us a resumé and let us know more about your experience and knowledge areas.
  • Thanks John! I'll see what I can pull together to impress, and write up something that explains what (I think) I know.
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    We've posted an update to the (still open) job posting:

    The job title has been changed, mostly in order to correspond more closely with that of similar jobs as categorised by Services Canada. The job will also be posted on the Services Canada Job Bank in the coming week. We want to ensure that we've done our best to attract qualified Canadian applicants before initiating a work permit application for a foreign national.

    We've also added a sentence to the job description regarding possible future responsibilities for the successful applicant in the areas of project and team management. As we've not yet received an application that checks all the boxes of the original job description, we're anticipating hiring someone who can take charge of individual projects and direct external freelancers or future additional employees. [Applicants who have already submitted resumés are invited to send updates if they have relevant experience in this area that was not noted previously.]

    Finally, we've added an expected salary range for the position. The actual salary is open to negotiation once we start interviewing, which we hope to do in June.