Authoritative source for the ATypI Vox classification

Hello Typedrawers,

I was wondering if anybody is aware of a publicly available source for the ATypI Vox classification, either the originally accepted or the amended 2010 version? The wikipedia page hasnot link for the original, a citation needed information on the Gaelic addendum section, as well as a broken link to the 2010 Dublin meeting notes. The ATypI website seems to not have any information either, as far as I can find. Does this SIG yield any more information for members? (Not a member myself I must confess, not yet, anyway).



  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2016
    An English translation was published in Printing World, July 30, 1954, with a revision in August 8, 1956. Also published in Linotype Matrix 28 (1958).
  • Thanks for the hints, Stephen. The research databases I have access to naturally don't have those archived, but I found some confirming citations to "Printing World". Also, I now know the ATypI members area Wiki refers to an image I also seen published in "Adrian Frutiger Typefaces" by Osterer & Stamm, which seems to depict *some sort* of original. With the presumption that Vox's classification is widely accepted (as in: the source, if not as classification system) this should be sufficient for my purpose. If anybody indeed knows of a newer "official" documentation, for example the meeting notes from the 2010 Dublin addendum, I would be much obliged.
  • The 2010 Dublin addendum consisted of a resolution that the membership present was in favor of adding Uncial as a top-level classification. It did not reiterate the full spec.