Microsoft Visual TrueType 6.10 with Autohinter, available for download



  • @Mike Duggan
    @Hin-Tak Leung
    The final solution to solve this problem is to let GDI Cleartype respect GASP, and then type foundries can simply write a GASP table to enable vertical antialiasing, while the existing fonts can remain the current behavior (which is less blurry). However the built-in gridfit in boundled Microsoft asian fonts must be recalculated or removed. Their quality is extremely low.
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    Belleve Invis , thank you for the feedback.
  • Hi Mike, thanks for all your great support on the new VTT.

    Question regarding the "Legacy compile" option in the, er, options. Can you give some detail as to what this does? My basic assumption is that it does not add RES instructions, but maybe there's more.

    Thanks –
  • Hello. I have to be doing something wrong... After installing this version, opening fonts with either the 32- or 64-bit version of the font viewer (default Win 7), whether gui or command-line, I get told that every ttf font I try is not a valid font file, even with fonts which this just validated (cleared and compiled everything). Even Microsoft’s own system fonts give this error message. Uninstalling VTT did not solve this issue (which, I’ve had with every version of VTT, alas). Is there a fix?
    This is a registry problem caused by vtt since 4.4 version (at list in windows 7).
    Open regedit:
    find "ttffile"
    You need to change some things in the registry.
    Please see the picture attached.
    Cool, I’ll give it a try.

    Hmm, my registry lacks the Open in Fontviewer key entirely. Promising!

    Nope. Adding the key and command string (with or without quote marks around the %1, also trying the System32 version) still gives me the same result. :(

    Triple-checking commands on every .ttf entry also has the same result.

    Still, I think your approach is basically correct, since .ttc and .otf files open correctly.

  • Also, changing extensions from .ttf to .ttc gives the correct result. So it has to be a weird registry thing somewhere.
  • @Mike Duggan Why isn’t the Control Program exported in the Exported.xml?
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    hi Denis, I had commented on this earlier in the thread, this is a known bug. We will look to add support for this.
  • @Mike Duggan Thanks.
    I did search for CVT but only on the first two pages, you mention the bug on the third. Sorry about that.
    Which XML tag will be used for the element containing the Control Program? I’m assuming <cvt>.
    I’m working on automating exporting the VTT XML from TSI tables in TTF files.

  • @Mike Duggan The same goes for the Groups.
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    do you mean the Character Group data ?
  • Yes, the Character Group data.
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    thanks for clarifying
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    hi all, I am curious for any feedback. Are the current blog posts useful? are there any areas in particular you would like to see covered in any future blog posts. The next posts will look at the New Res Hinting, as well as setting the GASP table. thanks. Mike
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    also feel free to contact me at mikedu (at), with any thoughts you have.
  • Mike Duggan
    Mike Duggan Posts: 239
    new post added today about the new ‘Res’ hints. (Rendering Environment Specific).
  • OK, Mike, you should definitely show a status bar when importing a XML dump.
  • And your autohinter for Latin breaks point index of ideographs?
  • thanks for the feedback. Can you please explain this a bit further? I dont understand it.
    >>And your autohinter for Latin breaks point index of ideographs?
  • thanks for the feedback. Can you please explain this a bit further? I dont understand it.
    >>And your autohinter for Latin breaks point index of ideographs?
    @Mike Duggan

    I've testing it with `msyh.ttc` in Windows (because Mr. Zou asked me to make my hinter VTT-compatible).

    Before Latin autohinting:

    After Latin autohinting:

    You can compare the point index of the bottom “一” part.

    And PLEASE, improve the performance when importing a large (~30MB, contains VTTTalk for ~30000 glyphs) XML.
  • @Mike Duggan

    Another three problems encountered:

    1. The performance of importing a XML dump is extremely slow, and VTT looks like always checking syntax errors of the VTTTalk code that will be replaced by the XML——This is completely unnecessary. You should check the code of all glyphs AFTER the code is imported.
    2. There is no method to import CVT entries from an externals source (like: XML). I have to manually add them into VTT, which is tedious and easy to make mistake.
    3. Sometimes, the Latin autohinter will produce a YInterpolate instruction with RP1 identical to RP2 (like: when handling an ellipsis symbol). These instructions should be replace by a YShift.
  • and VTT CRASHES when compiling a VTTTalk contianing:
