Are you planning to include Emoji as part of the character set in your future fonts?

Stephen Coles
Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
edited November 2015 in Technique and Theory
I was recently asked on Quora, and I couldn't think of any examples beyond the existing system fonts dedicated to Emoji, so I’m asking you.


  • I can’t see any reason to.
  • attar
    attar Posts: 209
    I'd consider it if there was an Eiffel tower emoji.
  • No.
  • I've included a very small subset of emoji (not color) once. Things like simple smiley faces and other icons that feel better with a code point assigned.
  • Not very likely.

    This is partly because of the technical issue: most emoji require or at least benefit from color. No single color font format is very well-supported. OpenType has embraced three of the formats. Although it can be fun to play with, if the “main point” is a normal font that does not need color, adding emoji and dealing with all the variant formats is a significant added hassle.

    Not saying this won't be a routine thing some day. But not yet.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    I've done a standalone emoji font but as for adding emoji to a font, I think there's little point. I think you have to go all the way and do the full set. However, the emoji codepoints are handy. If you're already going to include a pile 
  • Well drawing complex symbols like emoticons is still hard for me, since the boolean library for bezier curves is not completed yet.
  • Italic would be handy.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    my message got cut off:   If you're already going to include a pile of [poop emoji] you may as well assign it to 1F4A9.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    No plans at the moment, I don’t know much about emoijs.
    However, the idea of doing a full set in a unique style sounds interesting.
  • FYI, This question came up before...
  • Emoji fonts are fonts too! It depends on what you mean by ‘include emoji’. Fonts have included various pictographic characters since the beginning of type. Some of the most common Unicode characters can take emoji presentation* and as such can be considered ‘emoji characters’. But if you qualify emoji as being colored glyphs, this narrows the field considerably. In this case, it may be fun to include a handful of emoji glyphs in fonts once the tooling makes it easy to and the platform/application support makes it sensible to. In the future, I think that color emoji fonts will proliferate much like text fonts do today and will be usable in all the same ways that text fonts currently are.
  • All the same ways as text? Really! Then please, take your last post and translate it for the class.;)
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 974
    From that previous thread on the topic:

    “Emoji Dick is a crowd sourced and crowd funded translation of Herman Melville's Moby Dick into Japanese emoticons called emoji.”

  • In 1993, Juli Gudehus translated the Book of Genesis into “modern hieroglyphs”, using everyday pictograms, logos or traffic signs.

    The Creation
    In the beginning God created heaven and earth
    And the earth was without form and void

    See more on

  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 974
    Precisely, David. You got it.
  • Which is a harder technical challenge, English to emoji translation or Berlow to English translation?

  • (An emoji-laced tirade was thoughtfully and carefully written, only to be ignored upon posting, and deleted by this forum software, or some anti-emoji agent of THRUSH.)
  • PabloImpallari
    PabloImpallari Posts: 806
    edited November 2015
    I'm not planning to add Emonji, but I'm considering including a small set of icons.

    According to some of the most popular fonts are iconfonts (FontAwesome, Glyphicons, Genericons), so it seems that there is a huge demand for it.
  • Florian , Sometimes a few words are worth a thousand pictures.
  • A long time ago while researching emoticons, i came across these "moonies". although i know that this is not the question, asked in this thread — but i though it'd be interesting to share that even back in 1907, someone was designing and selling something very similar to the emojis of today.

    Barnhart brothers & Spindler, 1907.;view=1up;seq=709