Grocer's ₹

Ray Larabie
Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
edited August 2015 in Technique and Theory
Since the Indian rupee symbol was introduced 5 years ago, has a casual style of writing it developed? After the euro symbol was introduced, it didn't take long for grocers to write it like a C with a single stroke. Has anyone seen handwritten rupee symbols in the wild? Are people drawing two separate strokes, including the top stroke without lifting the pen, not bothering with the top stroke at all, or something else?


  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    My guess, based on typical ductus for writing Devanagari letters — in which the head line stroke is written last —, is that most people will write the R-like part, and then the two horizontal strokes.
  • James Puckett
    James Puckett Posts: 2,006
    What about majority of Indians who don't know how to write Devanagari?
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,350
    A good question, but I think the same observation would true for writers of any of the northern scripts with head line, and it seems to me the most logical ductus in any case. It might be interesting to see if Gujurati writers omit the head line, since the origin of Gujurati script is in a hastily written mercantile form of Devanagari.
  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 974
    I would certainly expect Gujarati writers to eventually (if not already) drop the headline, since the ra in Gujarati has no headline anyway.

    And I wouldn’t be surprised if some handwritten forms come to include a knot at the turn, depending upon the regional Indic language and personal handwriting style.

  • kupfers
    kupfers Posts: 259
    I think all the European grocers settled on a C with two strokes pretty soon after. 
  • Dan Reynolds
    Dan Reynolds Posts: 176
    edited August 2015
    I agree with Indra. I have only ever seen either a C with two strokes, an E (definitely not a C with one stroke), or “Euro” written out. And I have lived in Europe since before the Euro was introduced. Also, as Indra told me today, I take too much vacation. So I have totally done my € research in all the various euro-using countries!

    Type designers certainly do like to simplify the two strokes in € to a single stroke. Way more than actual users of the euro currency like to. But I have a difficult time imagining non-type-designer Indians doing that for the Rupee. The two horizontal strokes in € are not like the two strokes in the Rupee at all. Rather, the lower stroke is more like vertical stroke in the $, while the top stroke is more like “part of the S-shape itself” (in the dollar).

    James, less than half of all Indians speak Hindi as their first language, but more that half speak a language that is written with a script that features a “headline.” And almost all Indians are exposed to Hindi in one way or another, be it in school, or just in the visual landscape of the country. Hindi is important, even if it is not one’s first language. (Also, the current Indian government seems to be very pro-Hindi, at least by what one can read in India’s English-language dailies.)
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    Thanks for the ₹ insights, everyone. If you spot an interesting ₹, please snap a photo and post it here.
  • Erin McLaughlin
    Erin McLaughlin Posts: 45
    edited August 2015
    Awesome, Rob!! Thank you! Now release the other 15,993 photos! ;)