Chinese typeface to pair with Helvetica


I'd be grateful if someone could suggest a Chinese typeface (or typefaces – I need both Traditional and Simplified) to pair with the regular weight of Helvetica.

Many thanks in advance,



  • Thank you.

  • That is funny
  • Dave Crossland
    Dave Crossland Posts: 1,433
    Would would you use, David? :)
  • Malcolm, is Aktiv Grotesk Chinese a renamed version of an existing chinese typeface or a new design?
  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,745
    edited May 2015
    Perhaps David is amused by the irony that Aktiv Grotesk was specifically developed and marketed as an alternative to Helvetica.
  • attar
    attar Posts: 209
    edited May 2015
    Goran, iirc it is renamed (and I think scaled etc. to fit Aktiv G) – they partneered with a chinese foundry.
  • Deleted Account
    Deleted Account Posts: 739
    edited May 2015
    I don't remember typing that.

    Mr. Simonson is close! It's funny 'peculiar', to me at least, because so many default (Latin) fonts have been made weight-compatible with he. reg. and by and by so many default fonts for Chinese have come to be weight compatible with he. reg. one'd think this wasn't a problem to find, but rather that some other issues that have arisen from the helvetization of non-Latin would be. Which brings me the funny 'ha-ha' part, of my thinking I didn't think I typed, which is that one seeking a unique appearance in such a Latin and Chinese stylistic pairing is, perhaps, in my opinion, though this particular user might only be seeking a license and no more, in for a steep climb.
  • Peiran Tan
    Peiran Tan Posts: 22
    I recommend Source Han Sans, just for the sake of weight matching (and also the fact that it was basically a modified Kozuka Gothic).

    XinGothic could also work; I’m just concerned it’s too expensive.

    And for you, Mr. Berlow, Apple Watch’s Chinese typeface is still STHeiti with its characteristically unnecessary stroke weight compensation – the same as OS X and iOS 8.
  • "...[Apple OS etc. ...] with its characteristically unnecessary stroke weight compensation –"

    ...sounds like someone else's words. Typophile will open soon enough, and that thread can be finished.

  • We in China often use:
    • Foundertype You Hei (方正悠黑)
    • Hanyi Qi Hei (汉仪旗黑)