SINJARY Typeface Critique

Dear TypeDrawers, 

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to present my new typeface that I designed and developed recently, I would like to get feedback about my typeface and I want to know where do I show my font file for you to download it and test it? I'm not quiet sure about the kerning it still needs work. 

Your support is highly appreciated. 


  • The round letters need an overshoot, top and bottom.
  • Thanks George for your feedback, I'll work on that, Any ideas how it works here to give my font file for testing? 
  • George Thomas
    George Thomas Posts: 650
    edited April 2015
    I think emailing it to anyone who wants to test it is the best way. If you post it publicly, it will get pirated.
  • Thanks George, I really appreciate your information.
  • Maybe take a second look at the widths of some of the characters. I like how wide /A and /V are, but many of the others look much too narrow in comparison — particularly /H/U/M/W.
  • Thanks Austin, actually all of them are measured and should be the same width. I'll revisit all characters again to make sure about that. 
  • It should be proportional. I mean, it's okay monospaced, but would be fantastic if you judged on the feeling of width, not the measurement of width.
  • That's a very good point Philip, I've been adjusting it one by one, 

    btw, are you interested in testing my typeface if I send you the file to your e-mail? 
  • Yes, and may introduce some extra polish to really make it shine.