Spam Filter Spasm

Something odd happened with our Akismet spam filter on Friday, Nov 14 causing all posts to go straight into moderation rather than be published. I just discovered said moderation queue now, and published the comments that were posted over the last four days. I was wondering why there was no new activity on the site and this explains why! I am very sorry for this and will try to get to the bottom of the cause.


  • In the last year Vanilla switched from user-paid Askimet keys to a key that handled all Vanilla accounts. My Askimet account came up for renewal on Friday and I canceled it. This is probably related, so check the Askimet settings.
  • Ah, ok, that could be it. Your key is now removed.
  • Dave Crossland
    Dave Crossland Posts: 1,431
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for all your efforts Stephen (and James)! :)