Technical Trivial Facts (.ttf)



  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    Perhaps fewer points would have been deducted if she were depicting a Tbar? 
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,441
    Yet it still failed to clear the sketch layer in FontLab.

  • Ruino, the first Build-It-Yourself Computer kit was offered in December 1937. It was sold together with a Build-It-Yourself Shed kit.
  • "Perhaps fewer points would have been deducted if she were depicting a Tbar?"
    said the 
    Sámi judge.

  • An early prototype of wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display was the Giggle Glitch Mark II, which was tested in office environments during the 1940s. It was a pair of glasses meant to invisibly communicate with the Internet. Tests were terminated because of side effects.

  • In mid-1920s France the same group of people who considered Fournier’s typographical point system superior to Didot’s one, preferred the use of Ostrich Power (OP) to Horse Power (HP) as unit of measurement of power. Initially one OP was 0.375 971 51 HP, but a growing number of dissidents argued that if the ostrich kept his head in the ground one Ostrich Power equalled zero Horse Power. Eventually the disagreement got out of hand and this resulted in the famous riot at Merde-sur-Roi-du-Romain near the coast of Normandy on 30 March 1929. This culminated in the official ban by the French government on the use of Ostrich Power on 14 July 1929.

  • September 1935 the new Giggle® logo was presented. It was designed by the Dutch brothers Dirk and Gert-Jan Kroetmoes, who just had started a design agency in the hayloft of their parents’ farm in August 1935.

    Dirk and Gert-Jan were nephews of Paul Renner and the only typeface they knew was Futura.

    After drinking a ‘few’ local beers they started to cut and paste the letters of their uncle.

    The only colors they knew were red, blue, green, and yellow, although Gert-Jan had once noticed that there might be also other colors in the rainbow. Dirk was looking in the wrong direction at that moment and was permanently blinded by the sun.

    They told the executives of Giggle that it was a lot of work to design the logo. So, Dirk and Gert-Jan got a lot of money! They bought seven chickens, three cows, and a guide dog for Dirk, married each other, and lived happily ever after.
  • Why not go more minimal? Make it hardly recognizable!

  • In the course of time the emancipation in the type business became more and more obvious in advertisements.



  • Rumor has it that Santa was modeled after Eric Gill.

  • It was after visiting a local bakery on 29 September 1885 that Tolbert Langston reinvented the Renaissance unitization of type.

  • Rumor has it that the OpenType format got its name when someone from the type business by coincidence read about the anatomy lesson by Dr. Nicolas Tulp, which has become famous because of Rembrandt’s homonymous painting, around 1990. It seems that Dr. Tulp –in between cutting and pasting– mentioned that the man on the table ‘was a nice, open type of guy and always open minded. And he is open still, but then in a different way.’
  • Was it Python that killed him.

  • The earliest documented legilibility research dates from 27 June 1470, when under supervision of Mrs. Jenson (who was at that time patroness of the sacred Typographic Relic Paperweight, which contained a fingertip of Laurens Janszoon Coster) members of the Venetian Association of Young Librarians Who in Contrast to Their Colleagues in Florence Consider Printed Text of Equal Quality as Handwritten Stuff (VAYLWCTCFCPTEQHS) investigated the relation between distance and point size.

  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 243
    lol this entire thread is hilarious
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    Thanks, Frank! You always put the day in proper perspective.

  • Gentlemen, I sincerely thank you for your kind words! Never before in my life I received fanmail of any kind; this certainly warms my heart to boiling point. In all modesty, I picture myself as the Bob Ross of the type world, by ‘painting’ lightness in darkness and darkness in lightness and subsequently blurr it all in my quest for perfect equilibrium of typographic mindfulness. Thank you, oh yes, thank you again!

  • Inspired by common practices in the type-design business, in the world of Fine Arts the term ‘original artwork’ was redefined.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    We still love you, Frank :-)
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    Why, of course! All mouths and tongues are so similar that we can expect very similar patterns of speech to emerge ;-P
  • Now THAT's an enigmatic simile.

  • The absolute highlight of the Typo Picnic 1963, which took place on August 29 in Stanley (Idaho), was when Joe Knucklebucker jr. together with the Typographic Society of the neighboring village Grandjean depicted the problem of grid fitting.

  • An early prototype of the Giggle Pixel mobile phone was tested on 19 October 1936. Tests were terminated because of a shortage of cables.