New Ruble sign got approval

Hello again :)
my counterfeit still needs some finish but I’m glad to re-join the band here.

The Central Bank of Russia seems to have approved of the Ruble monetary sign, which has been created a while ago.


  • What is the Unicode value?
  • I'm sure it's a nice article but I don't read Russian.
  • Just try Googles translation:

    As far as I understand it, there are three designs for the Ruble and they still need to chose which one is the final design?
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    Getting back to Si's question. Has there been a unicode value assigned?
  • Not that I would be aware of it.
  • … but M. Everson is already on it.
    Business as usual :-)
    (SALVE Michael!)
  • a year or two then. :-/
  • Unicode updates were issued within a few months of when the Turkish Lira and Indian Rupee symbols were declared. I wouldn't expect it to take significantly longer in this case.
  • That doesn't match my recollection. As I recall there was engagement from the developers of these symbols ahead of their formal introduction. But I'd guess that where there's a will, there's a way, maybe it will happen quickly.
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,351
    Unicode 7.0 is already in an advanced state of preparation for publication next summer. One possibility for the new rouble sign is that it will be rush processed so that it can be included in Unicode 7.0. This seems quite likely to me, since currency symbols pass through the review and balloting process smoothly: it's not as if some other national standards body is going to try to block the Russians from encoding a symbol for their currency if that's what they want.

    Another scenario would be an interim 6.4 release before next summer. There's the precedence of the 6.2 release, which included only one new character -- the Turkish lira sign --, but I'm not sure anyone wants to repeat or reinforce that precedent. My guess is that the UTC and corresponding ISO bodies would prefer to take the Unicode 7.0 option.

    Given what has been done in the past to fast track new currency symbols, making the Russians wait until Unicode 7.1 strikes me as very unlikely.

    I've got a pretty good idea what the Unicode character code will end up being, but I'm not going to say, because I don't want to be the one responsible for encouraging anyone to start using an unpublished codepoint. 'Cause that is always a bad idea.
  • Very close to the Armenian ‘ք’ (keh).

  • Apparently some have suggested using that code-point. Seems as if doing so might be considered geopolitically insensitive.
  • U+20BD is the codepoint proposed for the ruble. Not saying it will end up there.
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,351
    And as anticipated, the plan is to roll this new character into the Unicode 7.0 release later this year.
  • The Russian National Body has filed an official proposal by January 21, to be considered by ISO/IEC. So now it is definite that the Ruble sign will be in the UCS 7.0.

    And here comes the definite design plot for you guys, right off that very document:

    Don’t mess around with it, the Russians don’t play nicely ;-)
  • No bold, no serif. Good.
  • SiDaniels
    SiDaniels Posts: 277
    Best of luck with that. Type designers don't follow rules. ;-)
  • Just draw it with a descender.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
  • Jason Pagura
    Jason Pagura Posts: 8
    edited February 2014
    If U+20BD is to be the codepoint for the ruble symbol, what is expected to fill U+20BB and U+20BC? Turkish lira is at 20BA. Are there two other new currency symbols planned for Unicode 7?

    edit: I looked it up on and found 20BB will be the Nordic Mark sign, and 20BC will be Manat sign.
  • Very close to the Armenian ‘ք’ (keh).

    I'm actually hoping some people at least will have the sense to give the Ruble in their fonts a round top-left, making it feel more Russian. Even in Peter the Great's cavalier reform they knew better than to Latinize the Er.

    More: (I will be posting a rebuttal there...)
  • It will be distressed in my very first Cyrillic font.