Colour Fonts + MS Word + Windows Dark Mode

I just found out some weird behaviour that was driving me mad and couldn't find any info about it online, so I thought on posting it for the sake of sharing and maybe in case I forget and I encounter the issue in the future.

Making a colour font, when using it in Word with Windows in dark mode the characters would default on their black (actually white) version, changing to light mode would bring them back to colour. Except other colour fonts like emojis would remain coloured no matter dark or light mode.

My coloured characters were letters and also characters in the unicode private area, hence Word would give them colour white when in dark mode, losing the colour. When moving my coloured symbols to unicodes in the Miscellaneous Symbols Script (where emoji usually lives), the characters wouldn't be 'painted white' by Word in dark mode.

So I guess Word only does this exception to preserve emojis colourful in dark mode, but not other characters in a font.

Thanks for listening.


  • Interesting, I wasn't aware that MS Word supports color fonts, in the first place.
  • Surprisingly, MS Powerpoint (the software that doesn't support ligatures in 2024) does too. I guess emojis are a thing.
    But don't dare to print them or export to PDF, they disapear or are replaced to something else.
  • Igor Petrovic
    Igor Petrovic Posts: 289
    edited October 9
    That's really silly, I can't understand why they just simply implement color fonts decently. But as you said, they still don't support OT features, kerning, ligatures and all. I just bumped the TD thread, where OT features were requested. 

    People talk about AI while we still don't have kerning in probably the most used presentation app in the world :)
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,425
    I predict that Microsoft will finally update PowerPoint to support basic OT features in 2037, just in time to celebrate OpenType's 40th anniversary—is that too optimistic?