Words of Type has a community!

Lisa Huang
Lisa Huang Posts: 14
edited May 2024 in Resources
Hi everyone!
For those who don’t know what Words of Type is: it started to be an online and multilingual encyclopedia of typographic terms. Now, the encyclopedia is in progress, should be out this summer.
By the time it is in construction, I’ve also created a temporary website with a series of lectures and workshops, for now online and in English, about typography and type design in various specific scripts (Thai, Devanagari, Chinese Hanzi, Hangeul, Hebrew, and Greek, so far!).

But the project keeps growing and it felt quite quickly that it needed a place where people could share their opinions about the encyclopedia’s content to improve it together, among typography pals from everywhere. 
So I created a community!

It’s using Circle platform, where we can have live and recorded events, discussion groups, resources pages, and more.
It would have been ideal to keep the encyclopedia AND the community FREE. But it is too much investments for the independent designer that I am, and I had to make a choice.
So I keep the encyclopedia free (that’s the original idea and it is important to keep that one), but I ask people for their contribution to support the project as individuals with a paid membership. Some type foundries have already supported it as sponsors, but additional help from individuals would definitely be welcome <3

The membership is set at a reasonable price so it’s accessible to many (I begin with a simple system to keep my sanity, but more options are already in my mind). Even if it’s, yet, again, another platform, I truly believe it can be useful to many, and it is truly easy to use, honestly.
It’s 25€ per year, renewable at will.
I invite you to have a look here for more details, or you can directly go here to contribute!

Thank you very very much,
And I hope to see you soon in the community!