Devanagari One: a 5-week online course + scholarships

Practica Program is offering an immersive 5-week, online course exploring the Devanagari script. Students begin by learning about the structure and evolution of the script, and then experiment with making their own Devanagari letterforms. The goal is for students to have a holistic overview of the script and a foundation for creating their own Devanagari typeface.

Devanagari One: Introduction to the Devanagari Script
Instructor / Kimya Gandhi
Guest instructors / Lipi Raval and Aasham Tyagi

📅  April 5 — May 10
🕒  Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:30 Mumbai time
🌏  Online, live
💵  Tuition starts at $375

Enrollment opens on March 25.

Scholarships available

We're offering three full tuition waivers. Applications are due soon, on Monday, March 18 at the end of your day. Find the necessary details on the website:



  • We still have a couple of spots left in Devanagari One, and class starts this Friday (April 5).

    If you were thinking of enrolling, now's the time:

    After Devanagari One, we're offering a longer course called Devanagari Two. Where One introduces the script itself through the lens of type design, Devanagari Two takes the next step and students design their own Devanagari typeface. Join us for One, and take Two in the fall!