NameError: name 'fl' is not defined

I'm having an issue here with some macros.
I've installed Font Lab 5.1.4 on my Mac at home, but I'm having this feedback when running some macros.
I've noticed that it's the same kind of problems, about the fl not defined.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 22, in
NameError: name 'fl' is not defined

Could you help me with that stuff?


  • Kent Lew
    Kent Lew Posts: 968
    Do you have a glyph named ‘fl’ in your font? Sounds like the macro is looking for one and not finding it. What macros are you trying to run?
  • Try adding this line to the beginning of your script:
    from FL import *
  • Any macros Kent, give me the same issue on 'fl' not defined.

    I'll try this Paul, but I was thinking, if this is not a installation problem?
    I've been using FL 5.0, and changing to 5.1.4 gave me those issues, should I consider that?
  • Bruno, it’s hard to give better feedback because your description of the problem is a bit vague.

    What macros are you running? And how do you run them? Directly from the FontLab macro toolbar, or via another way? Please describe everything as detailed as possible. Also about your Mac, OS version, and Build number of FontLab.
  • Hi Paul! Problem fixed. I've reinstalled Font Lab and deleted all old files. Now all macros are working fine. Thank's!