Hex codepoints for these symbols

James Montalbano
James Montalbano Posts: 109
edited May 2023 in Font Technology
I've been hunting though the Unicode ranges for the correct codepoints for these. Haven't found any yet. Anyone have any info? 
MIcrophone off/ Microphone on/ Search/ Speaker off/ Speaker on 
Thanks in advance


  • Simon Cozens
    Simon Cozens Posts: 759
    Speaker symbols are U+1F507-1F05A. Magnifying glass is U+1F50D. There's not really a microphone off/on codepoint, but there is a microphone at U+1F3A4.
  • Thank you.
  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,945
    Could combine the microphone with the “combining enclosing circle backslash” character, U+20E0, for the microphone-off

    Not perfect, but I don’t think it is illegitimate either.
  • Thanks Thomas.
    How would you write this: 1F34A+20E0?
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,318
    How would you write this: 1F34A+20E0?
    Typo: should be 1F3A4

    You could set up a ccmp feature ligation for /u
    1F3A4_uni20E0 but note that this may not work because U+1F3A4 is an emoji character so software may fall back to the system emoji font instead of using yours, meaning that the substitution doesn’t happen.

  • James Montalbano
    James Montalbano Posts: 109
    edited May 2023
    Thank you for your advice John. This font is for a sealed environment with no interaction with any computer or additional fonts (flight deck implementation). The client has previously mapped these glyphs to particular ascii slots. I was thinking that mapping them to proper unicode would be an improvement, but in the end I think not
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,318
    If it is a closed environment, then using PUA codepoints is probably workable.