Fontlab export OTF problems (missing letters and styles)

I am finished with creating my typeface in Fontlab 7 and now I have issues with exported file.
The typeface has 8 files but only ONE has issues, letter "s" is missing in preview and also in Photoshop when I try to use it. As if something is overlapping it(I removed overlaps in Fontlab) and it is still visible but just barely.

Second issue I am having: when selecting style from the typeface drop down menu in graphic design software, Regular or Regular Italic is missing.
I would appreciate some help?


  • If you could provide a screenshot with /s glyph active (nodes and handles visible and contour direction) as well as the Layer and Elements panels when the same glyph is active that might help.

    As for the Regular / Regular Italic not showing, it depends on the software (Word and Adobe apps do it differently) and might be a Style Linking problem, which is solved in Font Info > Instances. A screenshot might help again. 
  • One plausible explanation of your "s" problem is that you have accidentally duplicated the entire contour, over top of itself—but as a separate element, in which case remove overlap wouldn’t help.

    Simple check: open the glyph. Double-click on the vector outline. Shift-arrow to move it 10 units in any direction. Is there another copy underneath it?
  • The quicker solution is to open a ticket in our support system:

    You can securely attach the file with problems.
  • One plausible explanation of your "s" problem is that you have accidentally duplicated the entire contour, over top of itself—but as a separate element, in which case remove overlap wouldn’t help.

    Simple check: open the glyph. Double-click on the vector outline. Shift-arrow to move it 10 units in any direction. Is there another copy underneath it?

    Thank you Thomas that did it!
    If you could provide a screenshot with /s glyph active (nodes and handles visible and contour direction) as well as the Layer and Elements panels when the same glyph is active that might help.

    As for the Regular / Regular Italic not showing, it depends on the software (Word and Adobe apps do it differently) and might be a Style Linking problem, which is solved in Font Info > Instances. A screenshot might help again. 
    In Font info>Instances there is nothing, no information.
  • I see, in that case it may be a naming problem (the first section in Font Info)
  • I see, in that case it may be a naming problem (the first section in Font Info)

    Yes, I had to change some info, name Italics just that and manually delete font from OS before new installation. Thank you Igor!
  • Great, cheers!
  • Hello!
    Again I have similar issue I can't handle out on my own.
    This time I have new font which causes Fontlab to crash at Export. The program makes a file which is unusable and when tried to get opened says that it is not a valid font file.
    On previous font export, after some tweaking in naming it exported them just fine. I am sure it is again something with information in Font info panel but can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated!

    P.S. Is it OK to name the style Extended where I just make Capitals(width x2) extended to give it that Calligraphy feel?

  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,343
    The font naming shown in your screenshots looks fine, so I don’t think that is the issue.

    [Note that the FL ‘Master name’ is entirely arbitrary and not used to generate any font name data. You can call masters whatever you like.]

    In answer to your second question, yes, you can call a style Extended, but note that that has implications elsewhere in the naming, because of the different way in which software recognises ‘families’. So in OpenType, Extended would be one member of the StOrient family, but in a 4-style family (regular, italic, bold, bold italic) it would also constitute a separate family from StOrient non-extended. You set the latter as what FL calls ‘Style group’.