Minneapolis/St. Paul Type Design Interest Group

Are there any Twin Cities type designers out there who meet in person and talk shop? I've done a little digging and found that Portland has Type Tuesdays, San Antonio has a hand lettering group, Vancouver has the very professional-seeming Type Brigade, and Chicago (maybe still?) has The Devoted Type, but I churned up nothing for my home town, which, as far as I can tell, has a respectable number of font makers tucked away here and there. If there isn't an existing gathering or one that can be resumed, is that something folks would be interested in doing afresh in 2023? What activities and venues could you see yourself being excited for?


  • Mark Simonson
    Mark Simonson Posts: 1,741
    edited February 2023
    There used to be Type Tuesday in the Twin Cities (unaffiliated with other "Type Tuesday" events elsewhere), which ran (according to my calendar) from 2011 through 2017, when it was disbanded, partly due to low attendance, but I think there were other reasons. @Craig Eliason organized it during its existence. The first few years were most active.

    The format, at least in the earlier years, involved visiting various places (binderies, printers, type designers' studios, type-related events such as a film screenings and presentations, etc.). Sometimes it was a more informal "show-and-tell" or critiques at a coffee shop. Sometimes it was piggy-backed onto larger events, say at the Walker.

    I'd be in favor of starting it up again. Format wouldn't need to be the same. Personally, I like just talking with people.
  • Yup, I enjoyed the group, and though I don't have it in me to organize the outings again, I'd likely be an enthusiastic participant. 
    A couple years ago @Michelle Webster expressed some interest in reviving the group and contacted me about the mailing list. You may want to contact her and see if she's still interested in taking up the baton or coordinating with you to do so.
  • I'd be interested in participating, too.
  • After chatting with @Mark Simonson and  @Craig Eliason   mid-pandemia, I dropped the ball on this. Agree that it would be great to get the group going again! 

    I'll get an email out to the group soon. I'll update this thread as well. Feel free to message me if you are new to the list, and want to join.
  • Email sent to the Type Tuesday list this afternoon. @michael o'laughlin and  @Rocky Mjos message your emails and I will add you! 
  • Wow, I didn't expect quite this much enthusiasm! It's great that there's something to build off of, too. I'll get in touch with Michelle and hopefully see some of you in person soon!
  • I'm in St. Paul and I'd love to join!