A list of fonts with support for Latin sigla a.k.a. scribal ligatures

John Butler
John Butler Posts: 306
edited January 2023 in Font Technology
In no particular order, off the top of my head, separated into commercial and not-so-commercial. Also I’m not sure which specific forum this belongs in, so I chose Font Technology because AFAIK these all require OpenType feature rendering to implement the sigla.
I’m sure I’m missing plenty, so additions are welcome.


  • Andron by @Andreas Stötzner supports nearly everything.
  • A number of fonts from GLC Foundry (Gilles Le Corre) support various latin abbreviations. These include 1456 Gutenberg B42, 1467 Pannartz Latin, 1470 Sorbonne, 1499 Alde Manuce among others. These are all “antique style” fonts suitable for mimicking old documents.
  • John Savard
    John Savard Posts: 1,151
    • Multiple historic revivals by Klaus-Peter Schaffel. (Is he still around? Website was suspended later in 2021.)
    I noticed in the German version a mention that there were 70 fonts instead of four; so I went to the English version, and found which buttons had more fonts from the groups.
    Those buttons don't work on the English version, but they did on the German version.
    However, the font names sound similar to those from the GLC Foundry. Is that the new location of the site?
  • However, the font names sound similar to those from the GLC Foundry. Is that the new location of the site?
    I briefly wondered that myself, but taking their Gutenberg B42 fonts as an example, they are clearly different glyphs and different numbers of glyphs. There may be overlapping sources, but the libraries seem unrelated.

  • John Savard
    John Savard Posts: 1,151
    edited February 2023
    I have good news for everyone.
    His site just moved.

  • I also forgot José Alberto Mauricio’s Alter Littera fonts, several of which include a good complement of sigla.