Looking for a font engineer/typeface designer with experience in developing Indic fonts

We are looking for a font engineer with experience developing Indic Fonts to join our Typeface development team in India. Someone who is also a typeface designer interested in exploring Indic font development is preferable. If you are interested in knowing more, drop us a line at > hello@brandnewtype.com, and we can figure out a way of working together.


  • I have 27 year experience as a Designer/Typeface developer, Typography with expertise in Latin, Sinhala, Urdu, and All Indian Language Fonts development. To develop my career as a Designer/Font Designer where I will be a valuable team member, contributing quality ideas and work for an organization where there is ample scope for individual and organization growth in Font Design and Development all Indian language & English most authentic digital typeface designs and with built-in typographic refinements like kerning for precise character alignment.