Google Fonts offering “Stop Stealing Sheep and find out how type works" by Erik Spiekermann under CC

Available now on Google Fonts under a Creative Commons license, the complete 4th edition of the legendary book, “Stop Stealing Sheep and find out how type works,” by Erik Spiekermann.


See what he thinks about variable fonts and check out the book in an interview with him on


  • k.l.
    k.l. Posts: 109
    You lived up to your Twitter bio – 'The biggest problem with people really serious about libre software is that they don't get into hardware.’ – and went into hardware!
  • I'm not sure how making a PDF available is getting into hardware 😁
  • k.l.
    k.l. Posts: 109
    So that’s why there’re no shipping costs. :smiley:
  • John Savard
    John Savard Posts: 1,149
    Having taken advantage of the offer, and having started to read the book, I was inspired to finally add to the brief history of typefaces on my own website coverage of Linotype's Legibility Group of typefaces, on the page
    which were arguably rather more important than the subjects of the other two asides I had added as pages subordinate to the main page: Cushing (because of its use in some Bibles) and Phemister's Old Style (because, in my opinion, it was one of the best types available for general body copy use until Times Roman came out, and before that, Garamond was revived and so on).
  • I was thinking getting a copy of Sheep 4 just days before Google’s announcement. This is a wonderful holiday gift!

    But I was surprised to find faux small caps in the colophon (Fedrigoni Arena Wite Smooth FSC), the very odd lining figures on p. 4 in “Daniel Klotz (*1971)”, and the unsightly textcopy set in Fedra Arabic on p. 124. Is correcting the typos planned (in future printings of the physical book and/or for the PDF book)? And will the updated PDF be available?

  • I think if you buy a copy (eg as gifts for others) ES may be more interested to hear from you when you write him :)
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458
    I still enjoy my original copy from when it came out ;-)