If corrected by the 'H' sidebearing, text alignment is magically fixed:
Mark Simonson said:This problem predates early typesetting programs. It has existed in type since Gutenberg.
I believe Serif's Affinity applications do.Jasper de Waard said:Does anybody know which applications support lfbd and rtbd?
It sounds like what's being suggested is a single, font-wide left optical bound value (and, presumably, a corresponding value for the right, and perhaps top/bottom) that paragraph layout implementations could apply to the layout of entire paragraphs. Rather than adding a new, separate table for a few metric values, I think it would make more sense to add values to a new version of the OS/2 table, which most implementations already use for default line metrics.Florian Pircher said:Which also leads to a dedicated table from the TrueType spec: opbd. This table might make more sense since these effects would probably not be applied as part of the general shaping process. The table also allows for top and bottom compensation, which is nice for vertical layout.
we already have a proposal [...] for script-specific linespacing metrics in a new BASE table versionLink?
Another way to say the same thing is that we're back in a phase where developers want to make progress but are frustrated at Microsoft's iron grip on the format.John Hudson said:But it looks like we’re now back in a phase of independent implementations of competing ideas, and post-facto standardisation.