Long Time lurker here

I've been lurking here for many years. Never joined because as a hobbiest I don't think I have much to offer.
I took a type design course taught by James Montalbano many years ago at SVA Continuing Ed. Loved the course and what I learned but never really did anything with it. I'll just lurk as I have always done, but if I make the odd comment, at leat you'll know that I am here.


  • Welcome, Jim!
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome! I too am merely a hobbiest but have found the group quite willing to put up with me.
  • Now we see you....   :tongue:
  • Welcome!
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    edited September 2021
    I sometimes wonder if my main business isn’t making font specimens, with type drawing as a sideline!
  • ????
  • I think he meant feeling like a hobbyist because most of his time is spent not making fonts. Same here; I spent August writing keywords.
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    edited September 2021
    Right, Ray. 
    I would add that for 20 years type design was a “side-gig” to my career as an art director, until font income was sufficient for me to go into it full time. 
    Like many a side gig, it’s nice to get paid a little something and consider oneself professional rather than hobbyist, but considering the overheads and effort involved, it’s not much of a return on investment.
    Really, the money and what one calls oneself doesn’t matter, if one goes to the trouble of publishing a font that works properly, that’s something—as is being well informed about the subject.