iPad Type Design App that Supports Variable Fonts

Hi, I made a type design app for iPad that supports exporting Variable Fonts (in CFF2 format). 

Some of its features include:

  • Designed for touchscreen so that fingers don't get in the way when moving nodes.
  • Import and correct perspective of sketch photos against which to draw paths.
  • Copy and paste paths from/to your Mac.
  • OpenType features by .fea file.
  • Variable Fonts based on Deltas (region space).
  • Sync with iPhone.

The app is still relatively simple and doesn't yet support many functionalities such as hinting and color font. Also it might crash occasionally.

If you are interested just search for "Letterforms - Font Maker" in the App Store. 

Any questions are welcome, especially regarding the setup of the Variable Fonts technicalities!


  • Alex Visi
    Alex Visi Posts: 185
    Tried the app on an iphone, and even though I really liked the idea and functionality, on a phone even simple drawings take way too long. So curious to hear thoughts from people with ipads!
  • Alex Visi said:
    Tried the app on an iphone, and even though I really liked the idea and functionality, on a phone even simple drawings take way too long. So curious to hear thoughts from people with ipads!
    Yes, drawing on iPhone is doable but the experience isn’t so great, may be useful on some special occasions. 
    I’m also looking forward to getting more feedback!
  • Just downloaded and gave it a quick try on my iPad. I really like the idea, always wondered whether a type design app on an iPad could work and it seems that the answer is yes. Accuracy isn't the issue for me--a big screen and an apple pencil make it easy enough, but I don't find the UX or drawing immediately intuitive.
    To be fair, the exact same thing is true for any desktop-based font program, I've just used those for long enough to be comfortable with them.
    I will play around with it some more and let you know if I have any feedback! Either way, great initiative, I hope it catches on.
  • I've downloaded this and hope to spend some time with it over the next few weeks. I have very limited experience with type design apps, and for me being able to use the iPad on the couch for this is ideal. If I have any questions or feature requests where do I send them?
  • Eris Alar said:
    If I have any questions or feature requests where do I send them?
    Hi Eris, you can use the in-app Q&A function to post questions, or you can send me emails directly by "contacting the developer" inside the app.
  • Hello Jiuqiao,
    What about an Android version ?
  • Hello Jiuqiao,
    What about an Android version ?
    Well, I don't currently have time to learn to code for Android apps. If this is something people actually want, I might give it a try in the future.