Help Shape TypeDrawers

At the moment there are only two of us moderating TypeDrawers. As this isn’t our main job, a lot falls through the cracks. If you’re interested in helping make this space better we’d love the help.


  • Maybe it's time to look for sponsors. I don't know how realistic it is, but two or three persons should be paid for their time moderating TD. I guess it's not a full-time job, so it's not a crazy amount of $ on a yearly basis. Given the importance of this forum for the type design world, it makes sense to me. Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, come on :)
  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 238
    I thought given the sheer amount of prolific people here who either work for or affiliated with large tech companies had already sponsors to help run this forum. Is there a reason you guys dont run ads? Sponsored ads from font editors, adobe, etc might help eh? I personally wouldn't mind a membership fee if it helps. 
  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 238
    From what I understand since seeing James' post to Coles' suggestions is that you guys want to offset the cost of running this place right? Running ads might solve one half of that problem and a membership fee I think.  Could introduce a free membership for life thing too where in order to earn it you must be an active contributor who has met certain conditions like being helpful, resourceful, attitude etc. Just thinking out loud.
  • Eris Alar
    Eris Alar Posts: 454
    edited June 2021
    Paid memberships are fine, until they become another gatekeeping tool which inhibits people from participating.
  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 238
    edited June 2021
    Thats why I suggested the free membership idea for those who can't afford could earn it. While I agree that paid membership cuts out a lot of talented people who may not be able to afford it, then the only other alternative is paid ads?  It certainly appears that there's a problem to cover the cost of running this place or is there not? 
  • Maybe we could have foundries do temporary sponsorships (similar to Typographica) which would feature their type somewhere. In a way, that would be a “suggested membership fee” of sorts—as I assume someone from the foundry would likely be a member.
  • Eris Alar
    Eris Alar Posts: 454
    Vanity upgrades are also an option. Badges on your profile etc that do nothing functional. If the site has relatively fixed costs (so excluding moderation time) then having a yearly goal could help with donations, especially was an annual event to raise the funds. If paying moderators is desired (and I agree it should be), then it gets more tricky as the forum would probably need some kind of non-profit or business framework. I use to run a couple of relativity large Facebook groups (they were 10k and 8k subs at the time I left last year) so know how much work goes into running a group, and feel people should be paid for their time. I think a little transparency around running costs would help greatly, but acknowledge many members would either ignore it or argue they could do it cheaper, so it’s also risky. 
  • Drawcard
    Drawcard Posts: 56
    I'm a web designer / developer by trade and would be happy to donate time to do any maintenance or theming stuff. I'm in Australia so my timezone is probably different to most others here, but feel free to DM me if it's ever needed.
  • Cristóbal Alarcón
    edited June 2021
    This perhaps sounds like a marketing problem. I think we have to change perspective and think "What can we do to make TypeDrawers the most attractive Type Forum on the internet?"
    I would have never found about this wonderful place if it wasn't by a comment on facebook.
    Or maybe you don't want to attract more people but gain more with what you have right now? What about Type Drawers merchandise? T-Shirts, Pins, Posters maybe? Anything that increases cash flow without being invasive - so to speak- like an ad.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,006
    edited June 2021
    Lots of fun ideas in here, but as James said, the site first needs a team who can help make these decisions. Currently, that team has only two members. Those who would be willing to volunteer a bit of time on a regular basis could be added to the committee.
  • Cristóbal Alarcón
    edited June 2021
    What responsibilities would that new moderator member be covering? I don't think I can, tbh. Hope someone does.
    If no one here can assist, perhaps asking in Facebook groups can?
    Btw, a bit off topic but since we are in a Type Drawers meta. What about emphasizing the reaction buttons you've clicked? Something simple, like bolding or underlining the button text. I'm currently finding myself clicking "Agree" on comments that I've already agreed to.

  • Eris Alar
    Eris Alar Posts: 454
    Lots of fun ideas in here, but as James said, the site first needs a team who can help make these decisions. Currently, that team has only two members. Those who would be willing to volunteer a bit of time on a regular basis could be added to the committee.
    I messaged James yesterday to discuss how I could help