Sans Mateo

Usually when I design a font I have a clear idea what I want it to look like before I start but this one is different, it started out as a  test bed for open type features.  Some while after starting it I looked at it and became aware that what I had come up with was a very bland sans serif just like thousands of other bland sans serif fonts so I put a few curves on some of the corners and tried to make it a bit different.
The curves look nice on the bold versions but they aren't as obvious on the regular versions.
If anyone has any constructive criticism or suggestions they would be most welcome.
The roman version.
The italic version.
The Bold version
The bold italic.
and each version has many open type features like ordinals and fractions and a LOT of kerning pairs


  • Unconsciousness can be a very precious patron while designign type … Paul, that looks really promising. It apparent contra-calligraphic handling of the terminal directionality makes it somehow special and unique. It seems to be especially present in the Semibold and Sbd. Italic. Good luck with it!
  • Paul Miller
    Paul Miller Posts: 273
    Unconsciousness can be a very precious patron while designign type … Paul, that looks really promising. It apparent contra-calligraphic handling of the terminal directionality makes it somehow special and unique. It seems to be especially present in the Semibold and Sbd. Italic. Good luck with it!

    Thank you.
    I thought of the last pair as Bold not SemiBold, but I guess the boldness of a font is in the eye of the beholder. :)
    The curves are the same on the Regular and Bold versions but they don't appear the same because the stem width on the regular version is much thinner and I don't see any way to counteract this.
  • Ray Larabie
    Ray Larabie Posts: 1,451
    I initially didn't comment on this becuase you asked for constructive criticism but I think it lookscool. I like how the cuts don't follow pen logic. I usually give exclamation points more sidebearings. Two-storey @ is a bit of a 90's vibe which is fine if that's what you're goign for. Nobody needs Tcedilla anymore.