Hey! California brand & type designer, Amy Hood here.

Hey all! 

I'm a brand and type designer based out of Southern California. I'm the cofounder of Hoodzpah, and we mainly work on brand projects with a focus on custom type solutions. We've recently been diving into movie title design which has been a blast (recent work my sister/biz partner and I did for Disney's Godmothered). 

I've learned through trial and error, books, forums (Glyphs forum and documentation has taught me a ton), following type designers, and getting feedback from some very generous friends like Erik Marinovich, Kyle Letendre, and Mattox Schuler of Fort Foundry. 

I've released 4 of my own typefaces so far (and 1 in collaboration). Hoping to release many more and dive into doing custom typefaces for clients (been quoting them, but haven't landed any...yet B) ).

If you want to check out my fonts: https://hoodzpahdesign.com/product-category/fonts/ 


  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,253
    Welcome Amy. I like your left-leaning script. (Says the socialist, but that’s not why!)
  • Hrant Հրանդ Փափազեան Papazian
    edited January 2021
    Welcome, Amy!
    Good to see more SoCal type talent in the house.  :-)
  • Hey Amy! Great to see you here! Looking forward to your contributions and questions!
  • Welcome! That logo has a bit of a Rotis SemiSerif vibe—only better.
  • AbiRasheed
    AbiRasheed Posts: 243
    edited January 2021
    Welcome to typedrawers, not quite like dribbble but you'll get the hang of it!
  • Welcome! That logo has a bit of a Rotis SemiSerif vibe—only better.
    It‘s a collision between american brush lettering of the 1940s and some Rotis solutions.
  • You might want to check the release you signed for Disney. The one I signed specifically stated that I could not publicize the fact that Disney was using one of my fonts (which shall, for legal reasons, remain nameless) in promoting my brand, since it could be misconstrued as an endorsement. I was aware of this little hitch before I signed.
  • @Stuart Sandler oh hey! Good to see some familiar faces! 
  • @Thomas Phinney ah thanks! We've done 3 Disney Title Treatment Exploration jobs and so far we've never gotten one of our options chosen for the final. Fingers crossed for the 3rd! You don't know till they release the movie name. Talk about a test of patience. haha. 
  • @Nick Curtis we did custom type explorations (as opposed to them using one of our fonts), so it may be a different agreement, but we did make sure that we had them adjust our agreement to allow us to show the work on our portfotlio. Because that's how we get more work! So they made a little stipulation to the section. But yeah, the section disallows us using their name or the work in any advertising, and from saying that they endorse our services or anything like that.