ATF Typesetter Brochure Available

John Savard
John Savard Posts: 1,146
edited July 2020 in History of Typography
I have just learned that a brochure about the ATF Typesetter is available on the Internet Archive, at
I learned about it from encountering a typographical project to re-create it, at
It is interesting to compare the re-creation with the original; one difference is in the samples of different typefaces available. In the re-creation, as one would expect, Baskerville italic is narrower, and Baskerville bold is wider, than the roman; in the original brochure, all three are the same width.
The Model B appears to be the 7-unit form of the ATF Typesetter; it was possible, I have learned, to change the spacing of the letters for different typefaces on it, which I had not realized, and this led to a correction on my web site.


  • beautiful! I love the style of industrial brochures and catalogues from that era. Thanks for sharing.