Does a font used for in a picture on the web fall under the "webfont" category?

Vasil Stanev
Vasil Stanev Posts: 783
edited February 2020 in Type Business
I am about to buy a font to use in a presentation and am not sure what kind of license to buy - there's web, print, media, unlimited (which is however very expensive). Before I ask the owner, I would like to know what is usually understood under a "web font" It thought it is code that is directly used on the website, which a display most often can't be (because of alignment zones etc.).


  • Vasil Stanev
    Vasil Stanev Posts: 783
    edited February 2020
    I'd have expected to see "broadcast" in the list instead
    It does say exactly that, my mistake.

    I went and read the FAQ and it clearly states that usage as a webfont means dynamic display of text, so the "standard" and not the "web" license should cover my needs. I posted the topic as a reference for everybody that might have the same question, and you've done a marvelous job at correctly and professionally explaing it. Thanks!