Any website worth paying for advertising?

Ramiro Espinoza
Ramiro Espinoza Posts: 839
edited November 2019 in Type Business
Hi there,
Is there a website you can recommend worth paying for advertising to promote my fonts?


  • I don't know of one. You could set up your own on Wordpress.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2019
    I can recommend one or two.
  • I can recommend one or two.
    I think supporting Fonts In Use or Typographica are worthy causes in and of itself, but Stephen I'd be interested in hearing if you have any additional information that might entice sponsors/advertisers. (E.g. Monthly visitors, click-through rate, etc.)
  • Ramiro Espinoza
    Ramiro Espinoza Posts: 839
    edited November 2019
    For what I can see Typographica and Fonts in Use ask for 'sponsorships' but do not offer the possibility of promoting fonts through banners. Am I wrong?
  • fonts in use has a sponsored panel that fits the grid
  • @JoyceKetterer Thanks! Now I saw it :)
  • Now I realize I wasn't seeing many of the banners... because of the ad blocker :smile:
  • Yeah, it's interesting to live with the conflict of using an ad blocker yet representing an org who wants to advertise on the web. Not that I blame you! I have used ad blockers too, simply because websites have been so corrupted and cluttered with inconsiderate ads. But I speak from personal experience when I say blockers are really a killer for indie publishers.
  • Stephen Coles
    Stephen Coles Posts: 1,010
    edited November 2019
    Anyone interested in sponsoring Typographica or Fonts In Use is more than welcome to contact us via the sites. (Here are some of our recent FIU sponsors.)

    We don’t post the ad rates in a forum like this because the traffic figures fluctuate, and the rates and availability of slots are subject to change. We’d also rather have a direct conversation about your needs.