Sans Logotype Critique

Hey friends, 

I never draw sans logotypes for clients so I thought why not reach out to this wonderful community to pick it apart. I'm thinking it looks pretty good as is but looking for some guidance to take it to perfection. Appreciate any thoughts you may have!

Thanks a bunch —


  • Initial thoughts:

    • Perhaps push the proportions a wee more? Make the E a bit narrower and and N slightly wider. (Maybe the U too?)

    • Regarding the Ns: I'd be interested to see the stress reversed. Right now the verticals feel heavier than the diagonal, so I'd be interested in seeing the verticals slightly lighter.

    • Building on the N comment, if you do follow the width and stress suggestions, you may also want to explore making the shoulders pointier. Basically the diagonal could have more angle, and intersect the vertical bars more, making the shoulders/corners almost the same width as the stem width.

    • The top left and bottom right outer curves of the S seem just a tad weak. Maybe push them out just a few units. (The curve, not the contour points.)

    • For the G: Bottom most point sort of looks like it could shift to the right a few units. Would also be interested in seeing the crossbar be a few units longer.

    • I see you have some bowing/swelling going on. Is there a primary application for this? I worry if it's *enough*.

    Looks pretty good though, Scott!
  • @Matthew Smith
    Always appreciate your thorough feedback, dude! Great suggestions. As for the bowing going on, I attempted that to give it a bit more of a "human" feel so it doesn't feel so rigid. But I'm seeing some strange things happening with the type because of it. Definitely need to decide what to do with that ;)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @James Montalbano
    it's for a branding project — it'll make more sense in context.
  • Craig Eliason
    Craig Eliason Posts: 1,447
    You could also try the increase of pointiness that Matthew mentioned but only at the bottom vertex. Ns don’t have to be symmetrical—in fact most nice ones aren’t. 
  • jeremy tribby
    jeremy tribby Posts: 261
    edited August 2019
    The G may benefit from a tiny bit more contrast
  • K Pease
    K Pease Posts: 182
    Perhaps a little more space between the ES pair.
  • Claudio Piccinini
    Claudio Piccinini Posts: 681
    edited August 2019
    I seem to get that many comments here are just about matters of taste.
    It’s enough refined for me, and the /N's are well drawn, given your contrast choice.
    Aside from tiny space adjustments, as suggested by K Pease, if you are satisfied with it, I see no reason to make changes.
  • @Craig Eliason
    appreciate your eyeballs, Craig! I like that idea of having asymmetrical vertices. Thanks for the feedback!
  • @jeremy tribby @K Pease  — thanks for your suggestions guys!
  • @Claudio Piccinini
    I appreciate your perspective! That's great to hear and I completely agree, at this point it certainly can be a matter of opinion. 
  • Adam Ladd
    Adam Ladd Posts: 264
    Adding to the spacing adjustments comment, to me it looks like the Y might need pulled in a slight bit tighter to the "O".
  • I think /G/ would look more balanced if the angle between the bowl and the crossbar was a little less sharp. As is, when you look at the right half, the bottom part looks as if it's approaching the middle quicker than the top part.
  • In my view there is a battle going on between the purely geometric Os and the optically drawn typeface. For example the G is not geometric and the subconscious sees the Os as ring-ins that do not conform to the typeface. Is there another typeface you could use – Avant Garde perhaps? Is the font possibly one of those freely-downloadable web fonts that are pervading modern trends and should never be used in print or branding?
  • As I said, I like it. He said he has drawn it, it’s not based on a single typeface.