Bank Gothic Variable Font / FontLab VI



  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,946
    edited August 2019
    Well, “Gothic Science” is a phrase that is more in general use, and has a clear set of implications. It is also further from the original name.

    But “Science Gothic” is less obvious, and can be interpreted in a whole bunch of ways, including (but not limited to) the same meaning. So, sure, it could reference gothic science, whether in the spirit of discovery or like some of the classic horror movies of the 1930s did. Which latter could be thought of straight, or in a campy Rocky Horror way like Peter Baker suggests. It could be a reference to taking the existing foundation (the previous Bank Gothic in its limited range) and methodically exploring where it leads. Or it could just mean a font that is particularly rational, and also sans serif.

    I like the open-endedness, and am happy to let that ambiguity play out in the viewer’s mind.
  • Well, “Gothic Science” is a phrase that is more in general use, and has a clear set of implications. It is also further from the original name.
    I may be wrong but I thought John was just making a joke… :-)
  • Nick Shinn
    Nick Shinn Posts: 2,247
    “Science” is taken, but not “Science Gothic”
    Science, Science White, Science Noire, Science Fair, Science Channel.
    They will all benefit from being associated, in searches, with the perennial and no doubt popular Bank Gothic, renamed, so objections are unlikely.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Chris Lozos
    Chris Lozos Posts: 1,458

  • "Quantitative Easing"

    It's this generation's "Bank Gothic."
  • Thomas Phinney
    Thomas Phinney Posts: 2,946
    edited August 2019
    Don’t tempt me, John!

    I actually had an optical size axis in early prototypes, and it was mostly about spacing. But I decided the contrast axis was much more interesting, and five axes was impractical given the timeline, so I ditched it.

    (Hmmm. Temptation. Supposedly Catholic. Once put a book into an auction, surely knowing I would figure out the overlooked origin from the clues therein and acquire it. Background in occult esotericism. Look, John, I’ve watched The Ninth Gate and read The Club Dumas, I think I have finally figured out what’s going on here....)
  • John Hudson
    John Hudson Posts: 3,318
    Can I interest you in a lightly used Voynich decipherment?
  • Don’t tempt me, John!

    (Hmmm. Temptation. Supposedly Catholic. Once put a book into an auction, surely knowing I would figure out the overlooked origin from the clues therein and acquire it. Background in occult esotericism. Look, John, I’ve watched The Ninth Gate and read The Club Dumas, I think I have finally figured out what’s going on here....)
    Actually two words at odds with each other. ;)
  • I think we may have just set a record for fastest-furthest thread drift.
  • How about Blank Cheque? (You could promote it in the US market as Blank Check).
  • Hey, and cross-over with the thread on name localization! (

    I don’t think I've seen a suggestion to localize a font name differently for different English markets before, that’s a new one to me.

    Anyhow, Science Gothic is it.